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Sleep, prince of Beats.
Posted at 8:56 PM
Double plus good - I got to talk to Greg and Chris (now in Florida, formerly the friend I've mention ed in New Zealand) both today for about an hour each. I haven't talked to Greg in a few weeks, an I haven't been able to connect with Chris for almost three months. I always enjoy talking with both of these good friends, and it has always been very uplifting to hear from both of them. My grandma has needed more attention lately than usual, and the break provided by my talks with both guys really helped to relax and calm me during a stressful day that has capped a very stressful week. So thanks to my good friends. You've saved me again. Posted at 10:25 PM
Doctor WHo withdrawal! Ack! Posted at 6:48 PM
Welcome to the television dead zone - a holiday weekend. Pathetic. Posted at 6:37 PM
Will I ever get to sleep in again even just once? It seems wholly unlikely. Posted at 10:54 PM
Posted at 12:14 AM
I need somebody to come here and care for my grandma for a week just so I can sleep that whole time and nothing else. Such a lovely dream ... Posted at 1:25 AM
Sleepy and pummeled by a migraine that - while of varying strength - won't go away. Yea! Posted at 10:16 PM
I'm getting old. I shouldn't be so tired so often. Posted at 10:15 PM
Moffat pulls things together nicely in today's new Who, "The Vampires of Venice," even calming a few of my most agonized objections from all of the earlier episodes from this season. I'm still not totally sold on what Moffat's doing as head writer and executive producer, and I'm still screaming mad about some things he's done, but I'm not as outraged as I have been during past weeks. That's hardly a good place to be, but it is an improvement. Hopefully we'll see things continue to improve. Posted at 10:07 PM
All I ask is a good ship and a fair time vortex to sail her by ... Posted at 9:49 PM
Damn. YouTube can just suck out hours of your life if you don't force yourself to GET AWAY. It saps the will and leaves you powerless to its whiles ... not unlike the Hypnotoad. Posted at 9:16 PM
My grandma has become completely senile as the day has progressed, not able to hold a memory for more than five seconds, thinking the TV remote she's used for twenty years must be someone's phone, and falling in her bedroom because she had gone without her cane and turned around aimlessly when all she needed to do was get into bed. I'm hoping that sleep will help some. She didn't sleep very much last night (and she rarely sleeps even close to as much as she should), and it takes a huge toll on the working of her mind (or the lack thereof). I hate to think that we're making the next lurch into an even worse state of old age and deterioration of her mind, but that might be the case. I hope not, though. That's why I'm hoping some solid sleep will make a difference. Heck, she's enough of a handful now. It's hard to imagine how to manage her when things progress to where she's a fair bit worse. That's nothing I look forward to. Posted at 11:22 PM
And why is it that any contractors in Sandusky are so incompetent it's hard to imagine how they stay in business? Why does it take a week (or two or three) to get a return phone call about getting an estimate? Why is it that appointments are set back or just not met at all on a regular basis? Why is it that a hired contractor never shows up after agreeing to take your job? I have never had problems like this in any other city, whether dealing with various contractors as a renter, as a friend of a homeowner helping them get repairs done, or as a business manager or a business owner. It is only here in this pissant town that I have ever had these sorts of problems at all, and I have them every time I need a repair or an inspection, regardless of the type of repair needed. It's shocking. Or maybe it's just a curse. I don't know, but it's one of millions of reasons to still feel that living in Sandusky is to be avoided at all costs. Posted at 10:22 PM
Why is it that telemarketers can't take no for an answer, no matter how polite you are or how many times you tell them? I can understand a bit of persistence, but seriously - after the second time (and certainly after the third) they should be required by law to give up and move on. I'd be all for the complete ban of all telemarketing, but if it must be allowed to exist it should at least be severely restricted by law as to how they can behave. But, as with so many things, I'm not in Congress and none of the tools who are there do anything practical and useful like this in service of their constituents. Posted at 10:10 PM
Posted at 5:32 PM
New Who finally pulls some things together and actually is good. In fact this episode contained no moments where I screamed out "Why are you ruining my show!" as I've done with every other episode this season. Hopefully this will be a new and continuing trend. Posted at 10:08 PM
Anybody got a peanut? Posted at 9:44 PM
These freakish storms with lightning, hail, and tornadoes are quite unusual for this area and even more bizarre in that it's been one after another for the better part of a week. Is this what we have to look forward to here in Sandusky thanks to global warming? Posted at 9:04 PM
I need something like a real break, not just somebody visiting for a week, to let me be free from my grandma long enough to rest and cleanse my mind. A couple of hours here and there really doesn't do anything for me. This is ridiculous. Posted at 6:31 PM
My mother has left from her visit and my migraine has returned from it's own all-too-brief vacation. Fun times ... Posted at 6:06 PM
The incomparable Frank Frazetta died earlier today. His works will stand the test of time as the pinnacle of fantasy paintings. The giants of my adolescence are passing into the ether and few now remain. Posted at 9:48 PM
AHHHHHH!!!!!!! Yard work, you are my bane! You are my scourge! I curse you! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Posted at 6:44 PM
Quit ruining my show! Posted at 9:37 PM
This evening saw a wild thunderstorm with quarter-sized hail, enough to make it look like it had snowed even some time after the main storm had passed. This is unprecedented in this area that rarely has hail at all and on the rare occasions that it does, the hail has never been larger than a pea. The hail and rain could have caused some serious flooding if it had gone on much longer, but fortunately it cam e in waves, allowing the deluge to run off a bit before the next downpour. As it is, so much has been knocked out of the trees and off of the plants and shrubs that the raking I did yesterday seems to have been quite a waste of time and effort. You'd never know I'd been there. It's like a curse. I hate doing the yard work and don't want to do it, but once it's done and out of the way something happens and I have to start at it all over again. It's just plain evil I tell you - evil. Posted at 10:23 PM
Die, fat bitch whore from the massage parlor. Any amount of suffering less than 'sheer hell' is too good for you. Fucking bitch. Posted at 9:50 PM
So my mom's here and rather than get a break to relax and recharge what do I get - yard work! Hours and hours of miserable yard work. To be followed tomorrow by hours and hours of more miserable yard work! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Posted at 9:52 PM
She's baaack!!! (and just in time. My grandma has made my migraine epic, and I'm on the brink of an aneurysm). Posted at 8:46 PM
Hummmm. I'm tired and overdue for a break. My grandma slips further and further into senility, and I have to deal with it every minute of every day - alone. Yea. Posted at 10:23 PM
I just finished watching the last of the full run of Blakes 7, the great British sci-fi phenomenon of the '70s. I hadn't seen any episodes since I was a kid (of 12 to 13), and I'd never seen more than a handful of episodes even then, but I've always wanted to try to see the whole series - all four seasons - from start to finish to get the whole experience. It's taken about thirty years, but it was worth not giving up. Like any good story I really wanted to see more, but like all of the very best stories, they knew when to stop on the right note rather than go on too long. I'm still more of a Doctor Who fan than a Blakes 7 fan, but it's also not fair to compare the two as they are very different on every level. In some ways you could compare B7 (Blakes 7) to B5 (Babylon 5) because much more is comparable than compared to Doctor Who, but where Babylon 5 is an expansive story of idealism and heroism with good pitted against evil and clear victors, Blakes 7 is a more complicated story of a dystopian galaxy where almost everyone is more a shade of grey than a stark good or evil, whether that's expressed in greed, self-interest, power-seeking, revenge, freedom through anarchy, or loyalty to companions you don't even really like. Blakes 7 is unlike anything that came before it or has come after, and that's a shame. It's damn good story-telling. Posted at 11:42 PM
More Daleks. I am so sick of the Daleks, seriously. It is beyond belief that the new series of Doctor Who is determined to have the Daleks once to even three times a season. It's ridiculous. And now I really just hate seeing the Daleks at all. There's a whole universe - all of space and time, as the new Doctor keeps saying - that can be explored, and unlimited numbers of species and races to encounter. Why must we see Daleks and Cybermen an average of three episodes out of every season of merely fourteen. More than a fifth of the episodes about just those two aliens with potentially millions to choose from. Why? They've really been done to death. I do love my Who, old and new, but I'm getting sick and tired of some of the things they're doing with the show. It's really just ruining it for me, and if I wanted just to see the Daleks and Cybermen I'd ask for a separate show branded with their name. I tune in to watch Doctor Who, not the Dalek Killing Hour or the Cybertastic Assimilation Show. DO SOMETHING ELSE. Please. Even a fanboy like me can only stand so much. Posted at 10:29 PM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © May 2010