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| message board August 2014
Tired and sad - the new normal. Posted at 6:52 AM
So tired. How is it that this is all there is in life: stress, anxiety, exhaustion, infinite sadness ... how can that be all there ever is? Posted at 7:15 AM
Why is it only Friday morning and not Friday afternoon yet? Posted at 7:28 AM
This is all so pointless. Why?
Posted at 7:22 AM
Horrible eye strain yesterday after a day at work entering 131 W2G gambling winnings and all of their data for a client's tax returns. Over $325,000 in gambling winnings alone! Even if not for the eye strain my eyes might have been popping out of my head. Posted at 7:02 AM
Bad, bad headaches all day yesterday ... I don't know if my medication was doing anything, but if it was then my head must have been ready to burst like an over-ripe melon without it. Hopefully today will not be more of the same. Posted at 6:53 AM
I found a way to watch the season opener of Doctor Who after all, just last night, after scouring the net. I'm pleased that I was able to watch it, but I'm disappointed in what I saw. I like Peter Capaldi, the new incarnation of the Doctor, but his first story was slow, clunky, and had a re-tread of a previous monster that was great as a one-off but should never have been brought back - certainly not when it was brought back in this tremendously stupid way. And is it just me or is everyone else getting tired of Madame Vastra, Jenny, and Strax? Posted at 6:38 AM
A new season of Doctor Who started last night and I, poor and without BBC America or any other way to watch new episodes, missed out - and will miss out for the whole season. : ( Posted at 7:08 AM
The weekend don't come fast enough and don't last long enough. Sadly this is worse than it's ever been with any job. Posted at 7:27 AM
Still no idea how a business can be run so badly ... Posted at 7:20 AM
Pain in the ass ... Posted at 7:31 AM
It should all be so different ... so much better ... Posted at 7:11 AM
There are no greater lies than: It'll be okay. ... and yet these are the things we have built our society upon - lies ... hopes, maybe, but lies nonetheless. It would be better to tell people the truth - particularly children - so that they could see the world and humanity for what they are - brutal and unforgiving and far too completely without anything even approaching a happy ending. Posted at 7:17 AM
Why buy a subscription if they only randomly send you issues? Posted at 6:53 AM
Why is it that when you're not in you're right mind you're in-sane but when you're supposedly what's supposed to be right-and-proper you're just sane. Should being in sanity means you're closer to the heart of things, closer to the center - in? I feel like I see the world very clearly as it is (to my constant sadness and derision), but I also feel that by most people's standards I am not quite sane. So I face reality head-on and I'm in-sane rather than sane while other people who ignore or outright deny much of the ways of the world (reality) yet are considered merely sane. It's just crazy. Posted at 7:10 AM
This weekend couldn't come soon enough and can't last long enough. I dread going back to work on Monday. Posted at 7:38 AM
Hate my job. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.
Hate it. Posted at 6:50 AM
How much time can I be forced to waste despite my best intentions and preparations? Apparently a huge, ridiculous amount. Sigh. Posted at 6:43 AM
How can any business survive with such ineptitude? Posted at 6:40 AM
Yes! Yes! Yes, I do! It's not much of a cheer routine because any movement or loud noise not only makes my migraine flare and makes me lose all sense of balance, but it also makes me feel like my arms are going to fall off, somewhat painfully, I might add. Posted at 7:11 AM
... and it begins again ... You know, I can't remember a job ever being so unpleasant before - and I've had some bad ones, believe me. Posted at 6:24 AM
Being tired all the time is exhausting. Posted at 6:57 AM
I need a vacation from everything. Posted at 7:07 AM
Still tired. All the time. Posted at 6:50 AM
Tired me. Posted at 6:17 AM
Do the hump-day hump ... ev'rybody do the hump-day hump ... Posted at 6:51 AM
Why do I even try? I just can't win. You work for weeks to get things all set up and after all that work and stress and frustration you think you're all done. BUT YOU'RE WRONG!!!!! Because the universe won't let anything work right for you, so it FUCKS YOU OVER. And there's nothing you can do about it. And then you make your next mistake and try all over again. AND THEN THE UNIVERSE FUCKS YOU OVER AGAIN!!! Fun time. Fun times. Posted at 7:26 AM
Idohwanna! Posted at 6:18 AM
Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink! Posted at 7:25 AM
Why can't I just die already? Posted at 6:55 AM
Even as I get more and more accomplished at work (more unfinished client cases done, more mystery documents placed where they should be, new business expense and income tracking put in place (for the first time in a year), payroll set up, payroll taxes and other liabilities paid all the way back to over a year ago when they stopped being paid, business files organized, client files organized, each year's tax software databases compiled and organized (still outrageously in progress), new policies created and written down in a policies and procedures manual (still outrageously in progress), training programs made for all employees and specifically for tax preparers (still outrageously in progress), and get agreement from everyone on new pricing policies, agreement on a new layout for parts of the office, and plans for advertising/marketing and for hiring and staffing, let alone taking care of all of the people who call or walk in with questions or with letters from the IRS or other agencies that need to be resolved ... even as I move along through this mess of a maze of misfiled, lost, or incomplete everything, I feel little satisfaction in the progress because no matter how much I do it is too slow. With the shorter summer hours and smaller staffing there's only so much that can get done each day and each week, but the amount of work to be done to get things in order and ready for the next tax season is huge, and far more, I fear, than the time we are being allocated. As frustrating as it is to be running around like mad every day trying to make sense of this mess and put some order to it, it is even more stressful and upsetting to know that despite all of the hard work it still may not all get done after all and we could very well face yet another tax season fraught with a myriad of problems -- problems that by all rights should in no way exist next year if we are simply given the time to have everything prepared. Posted at 6:58 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © August 2014