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The Right and Wrongs


You like to think it’s all so simple,
right and wrong in binary opposition,
only one way or the other –
no in-between.

You’re told things aren’t just black or white,
that real life is painted in shades of grey,
but that’s wrong, too –
society’s lie.

Right and wrong never fall in one place on a scale,
never inhabit one single hue of color,
vary with the views of each person –
changing as those views change.

You believe all life is sacred but treat it differently
for abortion, the death penalty, and casualties of war.
Right and wrong for you is mutable –
shifting on whims.

You claim that all sins are wrong, persecute sex
by gays while you have affairs in and out of wedlock.
You create biblical distinctions to back you –
to justify inequality.

Your own views hold no standards
of right and wrong as a fixed place on a scale,
so don’t try to claim moral superiority –
I may not be Right, but I’m not wrong.


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The Right and Wrongs, by Paul Cales, © November 2004