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I would have to agree. I have to admit, though. this guy's intentionally bad writing isn't markedly worse than a lot of the horrible stuff I had to read and critique in writers' workshops. Sad but true.
Posted at 9:11 PM
I feel like Alice, falling endlessly down the rabbit hole, wondering and fearing whether or not there is a bottom and when I'll hit it. This is not the way to stay sane; no it isn't. Posted at 1:10 AM
Posted at 9:29 PM
Well ... not quite ... Posted at 9:06 PM
Do you believe in miracles? Posted at 10:40 PM
No good deed goes unpunished. Posted at 10:49 PM
Is it not possible - nay probable - that my whole existence is the product of my, or someone else's, imagination. Posted at 11:30 PM
Posted at 10:02 PM
Anyone working miracles, please contact me. Posted at 12:02 AM
Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down. ... and those are the good days ... Posted at 2:19 AM
Yardwork will be the death of me (if my sister doesn't have her way first). Posted at 9:45 PM
I'd like to think that this renewed depression is just a short-term thing, but I find myself sinking deeper and deeper as each day passes, and that terrifies me. I've lost what feels like most of the control of my life again, and it feels like I'm about to lose what little I have left at any moment. I haven't reached the point of having such massive anxiety attacks that I feel like I'm going to suffocate yet, and that's probably something for which to be thankful, but the crippling panic and crushing sadness are here, rolling in like the kinds of strong waves that even champion surfers find too powerful to face. I' losing everything, and I can't make it stop. What the hell can I do? Posted at 12:12 AM
There is no such thing as a free lunch. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. The good die young. ... and other cliches ... Why are these things more true than anything else we were ever taught? Posted at 12:59 AM
Everything of importance, every love, every deeply meaningful friendship, every hope, every passion, every goal ... so much is gone forever ... and still I remain ... and it makes no sense at all, no sense and no justice. So many gone who should certainly be here, certainly more than me. Why? Posted at 11:06 PM
It's like all I can see is the hypno-toad. Posted at 11:30 PM
I've been falling asleep for the last hour, surely due to only getting six to six and a half hours of sleep last night, and I'm barely staying focused enough to type. It's been a very exhausting day, mostly because I started out exhausted, and I'm certainly glad that sleep is only minutes away. Good night. Posted at 12:02 AM
I may not be the best person in the world - and I certainly have my flaws and more than my fair share of idiosyncrasies - but I'm a good person doing my best to do good. In fact while I am constantly critical of myself and overly ready to find flaws and shortcomings, I wouldn't change pretty much anything. I certainly wouldn't change my personality or my attitude or my approach to life just to suit somebody else's ideas of how I should be or who I should be. "I am what I am", as Popeye used to say, and if someone doesn't like that or appreciate that then that's their loss - and they can just get out of my life and get out of my way. I go to great lengths to be kind and thoughtful and courteous to everyone I meet and interact with, regardless of whether their the attendant at the gas station, a doctor, or my sister. I would certainly like to have the same treatment in return, but I don't expect that because it's just not as common in the real world as would be hoped for - and with the kinds of stresses and troubles peop;le face in this world on a daily basis, it's certainly going to be the case that I will run across someone who's just having a bad day or hates their job or has had some problem crop up that currently occupies their mind and distracts them from being all that they could be. All of that said, however, my patience only runs so far for taking a lack of courtesy or kindness from anyone, and taking insults and attacks on who I am cease to be a cause for self-reflection and reassessment after three or four reiterations, particularly when the vitriol behind the comments simply can't be excused as anything but hateful. So while I never want to reduce my number of friends of associates, I will not hesitate, after repeated attacks, to simply cut someone out of my life. I certainly won't go back to some store where the employee is repeatedly rude and derisive, and while a friend or family member might be given more leeway and more of my patience, there comes a time when a line is crossed and I simply will not accept a single word more. I am certainly not perfect, but I will not take the kind of repeated demeaning abuse that I endured as a scared child, not from anyone, and I most certainly won't accept such treatment when it is baseless and irrational. I will spend time to correct misperceptions and I will be patient and forgiving - but only for so long. Nobody deserves to be slandered and derided, and certainly not in their own home and certainly without any basis in reason or fact. I can't see how I'm wrong in feeling this way, and I'm not sure anyone can explain how I should be any more accommodating than I already am. I maintain a good bit of decorum by not descending into the same nastiness I endure, and I don't seek any sort of justice or apology from those who clearly won't admit they have stepped over the line - I will even forgive and try to forget most offenses to the best of my ability - but after a certain point I simply will not put myself in a position to be abused by anyone, and I will not feel any guilt for protecting myself - regardless of who the person is that I have to cut out of my life or what their relationship is to me. It's ridiculous that I should even find myself in any sort of situation where this sort of problem arises, but sadly it has. Now the guilty parties will just have to learn to live with not being part of my life any more. I certainly know I can. Posted at 2:49 AM
I'm tired, so tired, very much so physically but mentally dead tired as well. I long for endless sleep. Nothing sounds better. Posted at 10:17 PM
Headaches, body aches, fitful sleep, mood swings, tiredness, lack of motivation, anxiety attacks, periods of deepest sadness ... yep - depression's back. Still just as fun. Wheee .... Posted at 11:45 PM
As if my sister's insanity hasn't had me freaked out and depressed enough, my grandma has been quite tired all week, and the kind of tired that leaves her without her wits, unable to remember anything even thirty seconds later, and just completely mentally lost. It makes conversations hopeless, and it makes days like today, with two doctor's appointments, quite strange and very tiring. These moments are, I feel, signs of what the future holds in store as my grandma continues to decline as she gets older, but I'm more than content not to have to face this stuff just yet. Unfortunately, getting her to get proper sleep - thereby recovering her stamina and thereby 'getting her mind back' - is not something that's ever readily accomplished because she simply refuses to nap, go to bed at a decent hour, or sleep past 8 AM. I tell you, some days I don't know how I keep her healthy at all when she makes it so impossible. All I know is it's a good thing I'm patient. Posted at 11:35 PM
You know, I don't see how anyone, even the original designer, can't see how this building looks incredibly phallic. And I don't really believe that he didn't see how phallic this looks, I just don't think he had the balls to stand behind it. I mean really - look at the photo. There's just no balls there at all. Posted at 11:49 PM
I can't believe that I'm still surprised when things just get worse and worse. It's like the depression limbo - how low can you go? Posted at 10:51 PM
Huh. My mind just can't move. Posted at 12:12 AM
What a waste. All of the progress I've made since late January is almost completely undone, in just about every aspect of my life that had seen improvement. In a mere three weeks the gains of four and a half months have almost entirely disappeared. Why did I even make the effort in the first place? All that struggling and suffering for nothing. What a waste. Posted at 12:16 AM
You never win, old boy. You never, ever win. So why oh why do you try? Why do you try at all? Posted at 10:35 PM
Darkness falls inside, Each day I have cried. Help me to release Posted at 3:17 AM
There is power in words, more than people think about most of the time, and much of what we take for granted as simple, everyday words of common parlance are in fact words that subtly shape perceptions and color thinking. Today brought forth two prime examples, as shown in the articles following (1 & 2). Just like kids that use the words "That's so gay" to mean something is wrong or undesirable but not intending it to be derogatory to gay people (and just as those kids don't look deep enough to understand why gay people might find such a phrase offensive), use of the words "homosexual" in place of 'gay' and "sodomize" in place of 'rape' are also subtle but negative reinforcements of a lingering societal dislike and distaste for gay people. It starts with things as little as words, my friends. You don't have to think deeply about the meaning of every word you say, but keep in mind how some words do affect people's perceptions, even if their utterance wasn't intended in a negative way. Words do have power, and that power is granted to all of us. Use your powers wisely.
And here's the other article:
Posted at 2:12 AM
Bring back the America that was won in the Revolution and which thousands have died defending. End the Bush madness and return our glorious, shining nation. Posted at 11:34 PM
Things are not going at all like I have expected or hoped for the past three weeks, and there's simply nothing good that has come from any of it. Tomorrow was supposed to be my "Independence Day" in a number of ways, and now it looks as though my depression has dominated me once again and screwed all of that up, leaving me far from being in any way 'independent'. I am struggling against the hopelessness and the despondency and the inaction, and I am failing miserably, and each failure makes things even more hopeless and depressing. I've been in this relentless cycle before, but after having broken out of the depression not so long ago, it is truly so much more upsetting to be unable to beat this that it really hurts me more than you can imagine. Not even four and half months of freedom from depression - that's all I got. Seven years of hell, then a little more than a four month reprieve, and it all gets ripped away once again, and I'm thrown back into the chasm. I was better off five months ago. At least then I had pretty well forgotten that things could be better. Now it is even more crushing to have it all ripped away. All gone in an instant. Never to return. Posted at 11:53 PM
DoomDoomDoomDoomDoom. Not as funny a phrase in real life ... Posted at 10:18 PM
Sooo ... today was actually a step forward. I only got about seven hours of sleep but felt rather better than just about any day in the last few weeks. I also felt physically better than in more than a week in that my stomach and digestive system weren't in outright rebellion and were, for the most part, pretty calm. The depression that's been blanketing me is still got a grip on me, but I'm not as hopeless and crushed as in past days, even if only by degrees. Visiting with Steve, Steffen, Mark, Dakoda, and Paul this evening in Perrysburg helped me to relax and wind down a bit, too, and that left me feeling somewhat better by the end of the day. Granted, I am dead tired and al most fell asleep a number of times on the drive back, and I'm seriously exhausted and looking at a busy upcoming week, but I'm in a better frame of mind and emotional state now than I have been for over a week, so maybe I can deal with what's slated for this week and come out sane. That would be a plus. For now sleep is first on the agenda - in fact the only thing on the agenda. I need to crash desperately. I'll write more tomorrow. Maybe I'll have something worth reading by then. Posted at 12:50 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © July 2007