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Posted at 11:41 PM
Posted at 1:09 PM
Sandusky isn't just a crap town for its tiny size, lack of culture, thorough bigotry, mass-Republican base, and brain-dead government officials. It also has no prospects for new jobs or for job or wage growth compared to other small cities nationwide with a population of less than 200,000. In fact it ranks 162 out of 179 such cities. Nearby Toledo isn't much better, ranking 196 out of 200 cities across the nation with populations over 200,000. To quote Chrissie Hynde, "A, o, way to go Ohio." Posted at 10:20 PM
Stargate: Atlantis - proving that you can't boost your ratings by killing off one main character after another and replacing them with one new character after another. Posted at 10:54 PM
Happy Birthday, Grandma! (Ninety-three? Can you believe it?) Posted at 9:09 PM
Is you is or is you ain't my baby? Baby? Posted at 9:36 PM
I've had a throbbing headache all day that refuses to diminish. I rushed around a lot today, mowing the lawn, going to the bank, getting gas, grocery shopping, cleaning, doing laundry, processing bills, doing some reading, ... and my mom and grandma returned this afternoon as well, so it has certainly been a full, busy day. Still, this headache is quite unpleasant and simply will not let up. It's making me physically sick and making my head and shoulders ache, and I really, really want this to go away. Of course just wanting it to go away doesn't really seem to be doing anything, so ... I'm stuck with this. We'll see what tomorrow has to offer; maybe a night's sleep will help. Posted at 10:47 PM
It's always rewarding to see someone else that understands the sick, demented, single-minded basis of all Republicans for what it is. As more time passes, more people seem to finally realize the truth about not just der Fuehrer Bush but about the entire Republican party and all of its followers as a whole.
Posted at 8:08 PM
A moment of silence, to remember Marcel Marceau. Posted at 9:10 AM
Note to self: stop being surprised by your family doing exactly the sorts of things you expect and dislike of them. Posted at 9:56 PM
Chris called me from New Zealand late last night (or early this morning, depending upon your perspective), and we had a great talk for almost a half hour. Our call got abruptly cut off, though, and I don't know if it was my cell phone or something on his end. I tried to call him back, though, and I couldn't get a connection, so I'm still not sure what was up. I was pretty disappointed that I couldn't talk to him more, and I couldn't get back to sleep for another three hours or so (until around 6 AM). I've been sort of dragging all day, but it's more from depression than from lack of sleep, I think. I just feel so empty lately, and it's the loneliness of not having someone to love - someone to love closely. Even if my grandma were here or I visited my friends in Toledo or something, it wouldn't fill this void. I love my grandma, and I love my friends, but none of that really compares with having a real love of your life, a close companion and soul mate. What's the point in just doing the basics to stay alive, covering basic needs for food and shelter? Why even try if that's all there is? That's all I'm doing, and that's all I've been doing for years. Working on my degrees gave me some sense of purpose, and certainly taking care of my grandma is a worthy pursuit, but what is there beyond that? Nothing, that's what. There is absolutely nothing, no reason for me to be alive at all, and if that isn't depressing then I don't know what is. Posted at 10:59 PM
I need a new start, somehow. Posted at 10:50 PM
Speak up, ye scurvy dogs! Posted at 8:28 PM
Why did I even get out of bed today? Posted at 11:01 PM
I've read that after very prolonged periods of depression a person can become not only more susceptible to future depression but can have much more difficulty returning to a 'normal' state. I feel like I can attest to that in some ways, but at the same time I don't want to believe it's true - I need hope that I can pull out of this and have some semblance of a normal life. That slender hope is fading, and with it fades any feelings of life. I feel so much like the walking dead now that I dread thinking what this might be like when the last vestiges of hope disappear. Posted at 11:41 PM
It's sad, but these get-togethers at Steffen's are becoming less entertaining/relaxing and more stressful/frustrating. For my own part I just want to relax, find out what's new with everybody else, discuss the latest news and politics, eat a nice meal together, tell some jokes and quote some movies or TV shows, and enjoy a few hours away from all other aspects of our lives that are stressful or difficult or limited. For a long time I was able to find just that sort of escape when we got together, and while every once in a while there would be a very large argument or clash of minds and wills, those were pretty much few and far between, and the remaining visits were just what I needed. The past couple of months have been much different, dominated by near-constant conflict and differences of opinion, and - worst of all - the repeated delving back into the same frustrating differences of opinion that had made the previous get-together disappointing and stressful. Things have devolved to a point where it is now actually more stressful at these get togethers than it is otherwise in life (for me at least), and that basically means that it's not really any longer worth my driving more than an hour and a half each way and dumping $30 to $40 each week to cover the expenses of driving there and buying a take-out dinner. Really there is no way to put a price on the relaxation and socialization I've wanted and sometimes gotten from these get-togethers, and therefore I've striven to go as often as possible even though the practical costs have been high. Now though, I'd have to say that even if I didn't have to put in any time or money at all for these visits, the price would still be too high now that things have become so frustrating and aggravating and anti-social. Even if it didn't costs me anything in time or money, it is costing me far too much mentally and emotionally. WIth only having met twice in the last five weeks and not set to meet again for another two weeks, it seems hard to believe that I could have reached such a breaking point, but to feel the same draining stresses from the same ridiculous and pointless arguments each time we get together again has finally gotten to be too much. I have two weeks before we're supposed to get together again, so perhaps I'll feel more inclined to try again in the hopes of having the sort of relaxing, enjoyable time I used to look forward to. On the other hand I may just stay here and find a good movie to watch or a good book to read - maybe I'll even get together here in town with John or Val, since I really don't see them very often and would enjoy their company. For now I just want to forget about it and try to wind down so I can get to sleep. Sleep ... oh that would be wonderful. Posted at 1:27 AM
Funny that I can be this tired and still have trouble sleeping. Go figure. Posted at 8:48 PM
It's been a day full of depression, one of those days where just seeing a good-looking guy on TV or the 'Net makes me cry from the loneliness and longing. It hurts deep in my chest, just as though my heart were being eaten away, and I border on getting sick as the pain pulses and spreads. I think cancer would be easier than this. Posted at 10:35 PM
Posted at 10:59 PM
Am I really this unlovable? Posted at 10:19 PM
Uh, ... yeah. I got nothin'. Posted at 10:53 PM
It's a lonely, empty world, isn't it? ... it's been a rough day ... Posted at 11:35 PM
It's been a long day, and I'm incredibly tired, but before I collapse at my keyboard and sleep the sleep of the dead, I'll try to do a basic recap of things. The plan for the day was to get myself together, run some errands, drive to Perrysburg, run some more errands, and then get together with Mark, Paul, and Steve at Steffen's for the first time in a month. Last night I was questioning whether I should go because I didn't physically feel good, but I also just felt emotionally like I wasn't really up to seeing anybody in my current state. By the time I was awake and moving around this morning, that feeling hadn't changed much, although I was physically feeling better. I'd only been up an hour or so when the doorbell rang and I found myself face to face with John Bossart, and old friend from high school whom I haven't seen in about fourteen years. He still lives here in Sandusky, and he had looked me up and decided to reconnect, and we had a great (albeit relatively short) conversation. Unfortunately I had to get ready and eat lunch and run errands all before heading out of town, and I didn't have a lot of time, so we had to keep things short for this visit. I'm sure I'll see more of John, though. After John left I ran around and got things done and actually timed things almost perfectly to make it to meet the guys on time. We hadn't been able to coordinate our schedules for a month, so it was good to finally get together and catch up on what was going on with each other. It was a pretty decent time. We spent a little less than five hours together before Paul had to leave, and then we chatted a little more before Steffen had to go to bed, then a little more out on the street before Mark had to head to work, and then for a while more with just Steve and I chatting under the street lamp. By 1 A.M. I was tiring (probably more from blood loss to the mosquitos than anything else, and Steve has to start his first day at his new job in the morning, so we each headed home. My drive was a bit longer than Steve's but I'm here and quite ready for a long slumber. Unfortunately I have to get up early tomorrow, so I won't have as much sleep as I want or need, but I'll just have to deal with it. I do need to get some rest, though, so I'm heading off right now. Tomorrow will come all too soon. Posted at 3:05 AM
I watched the first episode of Torchwood tonight, that being the Doctor Who spinoff that's been getting rave reviews in Britain for its first season. At long last BBC America has started broadcasting it, so I finally have a chance to watch. First episodes of a new series are usually poor examples of what to expect since they have to introduce location, concept, characters, and everything else that the show is to offer, and on top of that they still have to have a plot and storyline that works for that first stand-alone episode. Even with this (Torchwood) being a spinoff, there's not a whole lot known about what Torchwood really is, even if you've watched Doctor Who closely and know all there is to glean about Torchwood. Taking all of that into consideration, this first episode covers a lot of ground and still offers a solid story for the episode itself. John Barrowman is even more central and primary than I had expected, at least in this episode, and that make4 work well since he's has a very good presence and appeal. If the show lives up to the hype and the reviews - and this first episode suggested it will do just that and more - then I'll happily have another TV program to look forward to each week. Since so many good shows are closing down with series finales, there's not a whole lot left that I truly enjoy any more, so every single decent program is well appreciated. Posted at 10:51 PM
Something's going on in my mind. My depression has grown much worse in the past week; I couldn't get to sleep until some time after 4:30 A.M. last night; I feel like just giving up and laying numb in bed all day, not watching TV or eating or anything; and it's a struggle to do anything at all. Even things that should be enjoyable (reading a good book, watching a good TV show, getting a gift in the mail) pass without giving me any lift, and in many cases I even feel something about those things that makes me feel even worse. Usually this sort of thing is a signal that my subconscious is trying to tell me something, alert me that I'm forgetting the anniversary of some significant event or signaling to me that something very wrong is about to happen as a result of something I've set in motion. I have no idea what I might be missing, but this crushing agony is difficult to bear. Why is this my life? Posted at 9:15 PM
Pointless, pointless, pointless ... Posted at 10:38 PM
I love drum corps, particularly DCI, and I would give anything to be able to afford to go to the semi-finals and finals every year (for all tiers) as I did nine years ago (when I treated myself, knowing that my finances would be for shit for years to come after that). Part of it stems from my love for and involvement in competitive marching band when I was in high school, but much of it is the love of the style of music, the beauty and complexity of the field routines, and most of all the power and beauty of the sound. Even thinking about DCIs makes me giddy, and any drum corps competition I go to makes me happy throughout the event (and that's saying a lot considering my ups and downs in emotion). I've been waiting for tonight for a while, knowing that ESPN was supposed to broadcast the DCI finals top ten bands. In years past I've relied on PBS to see the finals, and I'm usually a bit disappointed in the sound quality and the camera coverage of the performance on field, but I do always enjoy it. I hadn't really thought much about what to expect out of ESPN's coverage, but I guess I took for granted that they would do a similar or better job than PBS. What a shame that that wasn't the case. Each band in a drum corps or marching band competition performance has three (or sometimes four) numbers in their routine. ESPN has shown only one from each group they have highlighted. The overlaying commentary wouldn't be bad except that they talk during the performances! And the interviews and "background" segments, while interesting, waste time that I would much rather have watching the full routines. Even worse, the number of ads are ridiculous. Maybe I've been spoiled by watching this on PBS for years with no ads at all, but come on - no wonder they have only one out of three songs per corps - a third of the two hours is set aside for commercials! So I'm disappointed. You sadly have no real feel for how well one band did against another because you get such a short glimpse and because there are more ads that you watch than there is performances. It ruins the whole thing. Boo! I will say that my all-time favorites, the Phantom Regiment, were amazing (or at least the one song I was able to see televised was amazing <humph!>), but I really don't care for their new uniforms at all, certainly not as much as any of the uniforms they've had over the past twenty-five years (take note, all you dedicated readers - this is one of my extraordinarily rare moments of playing fashion police in any way, shape, or form). Based on what I've been able to see, my beloved Regiment was robbed - they were much better in control, sound, and execution that any of the three corps that scored higher in the finals. They should definitely have been ranked higher than fourth place. Posted at 12:00 AM
Posted at 11:39 PM
Was there ever any point in it all? Posted at 10:33 PM
Well, today was supposed to be a nice get together with Steve and Mark and Paul - and they were supposed to drive here if you can believe it. Maybe you don't believe it - and maybe you'd be right to do so, because, as you've probably already surmised, the whole deal was cancelled and I spent the day alone ... again. I'm used to being alone, and that's fine I suppose, but I'd been told to expect this for a few weeks and I've been cleaning and getting things together for the better part of the past week - and heck, I haven't seen any of these guys for almost a month now, so I was looking forward to dinner and conversation together. Oh well. So today I played some Age of Empires III most of the day while watching/listening to TV in the background (the fun and excitement never ends - woo hoo). It passed the day away, but I think I would have probably enjoyed reading a book better. I couldn't bring myself to work on one of the various projects I've been trying to plug away at, considering I'd been expecting this to be a day of relaxation for a couple of weeks, but now that the day is just about over, I can't say I feel like I have anything to show for it and I don't honestly feel any more relaxed than I have for the past few weeks (Demanding, aren't I?). Now, at only 11 PM I feel incredibly exhausted - and I did nothing today. Nothing! So I'm winding down and going to bed. I'll watch TV for a bit, but I might just fall asleep anytime. What a day. What a day. Posted at 11:03 PM
I don't understand ... Posted at 9:39 PM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © September 2007