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Sundays should be more relaxing than this. : ( Posted at 10:45 PM
It's all so pointless. Why do I even try? Or care? Or hope? Posted at 8:57 PM
My grandmother's desire to maintain her independence would be admirable if it didn't go so far as turning down all help at things that she is simply unable to accomplish by herself any longer. It's hard, after months and months of this, not to let her have her way and just stop trying to offer help to her altogether. Posted at 8:57 PM
I need to get more sleep. These too-short night's worth of sleep are having an effect on my body - I feel tired and achy, and my stomach hurts, adding to a constant headache. Fun times ... Posted at 8:12 PM
Mood swings - got a hate 'em. Posted at 9:47 PM
Dude! That's not cool ... But since we can't change the world, we're stuck with all the crap that comes with it. Posted at 10:00 PM
Greg Zale appears from nowhere; what a nice surprise. I'd begun to think that nobody gave a damn any more. Posted at 11:27 PM
Well heck. Back to the insanity. Posted at 9:14 PM
The television dead zone expands as the seasons end. Posted at 11:31 PM
Mmmm ... CiCi's Pizza for lunch, some decadently rich crab dip for a late afternoon snack, and some creamy and delicious macaroni and cheese for a light dinner. What a pleasant day for my taste buds. Posted at 7:00 PM
'Faith, trust, and pixie dust' - these are what dreams are made of. Posted at 8:20 PM
They're back! With a vengeance!!! Posted at 11:07 PM
What a long, tedious day. Posted at 9:13 PM
LIttle bunny Foo-foo, hoppin' through the forest ... Posted at 8:35 PM
Wipe the sphincter of your destiny. Posted at 9:15 PM
Humanity is not a good advocate for itself. Posted at 9:31 PM
Hurray for minimal sleep. I'm sure it could be worse and I could fail to sleep at all, but four hours a night just really isn't cutting it. You'd think I'd be abl,e to sleep longer with as tired as I am, but noooooooo ... Posted at 9:40 PM
If I didn't know better, I'd say I was allergic to yard work. As much as I hate it, that seems unlikely, but something gave me a strong reaction that had my eyes very red and watering, my nose running, and the skin on the whole of my face very red and irritated. I can't remember ever having a reaction like this. As if I needed more reasons to hate working in the yard ... Posted at 9:43 PM
What is with my sleep patterns? Three nights in a row I can't get to sleep until the wee hours of the morning. Three mornings following those nights where I get up no later than ten and today even before eight and being quite unable to get back to sleep. Insomnia has been an almost nonexistent problem my whole life. Where is this coming from? Posted at 8:45 PM
I need a real vacation. Posted at 9:58 PM
I couldn't get to sleep until some time after 4 A.M. What is it with this 'break' and not getting to relax? Posted at 10:14 PM
Well ... today certainly turned out like nothing I had planned or expected - not that that's a bad thing, just unexpected. I still want a lot more sleep and a lot more relaxation, certainly more than I got today. If only these 'break's gave me a real break. Hmmm ... Posted at 9:49 PM
Ugh. Days like today prove that sometimes even trying to do something for relaxation and enjoyment can be exhausting. Now I'm ready to just shut out all manner of stimulus and go to sleep. Posted at 9:54 PM
It's going to be a long, hot, horrible summer trying to go without any air conditioning. That's already becoming clear. Posted at 7:25 PM
It's odd day! Everybody party! Woot!! Posted at 11:10 PM
Yea! I finally got a day to relax and enjoy myself (I didn't completely get away from taking care of things for my grandma as there were two small items to deal with, but they were minimal intrusions). Hopefully I'll still have a number of days to do more of the same before my grandma returns and my duties resume. Posted at 9:50 PM
Sunburn sucks, and it turns out that that is what is left to ache and hurt. The pain and stiffness I had in my muscles and joints after working two solid days on yard work really mostly disappeared after a full night's rest (not that I'm discounting some stretching, a warm shower, and a big, healthy dinner), but the sunburn still bothers me. Hopefully this will heal quickly - it's not so bad that I've had to medicate any burned areas or anything, it just aches and in some areas hurts if I press on it. The sooner it's a non-issue the better. I'm no baby with pain (with as many migraines as I've had you learn to deal with the pain somehow), but the annoyance of this is bothering me. I mean after all, I'm supposed to be having a relaxing break here, not days and weeks of work and subsequent pain. Posted at 9:57 PM
Ow! Oooh! Ah! Yes, even typing makes me hurt in certain areas. More yardwork and a bit of sunburn has just added to the aches and pains I'm left with. If I can actually move at all tomorrow I have more things to do, but they may just have to wait. Pain will surely win out if I have to make a choice. Posted at 10:07 PM
I'm incredibly stiff -- and not in the good way. It's no shock that I still hate yard work, and yet I still have to do it. I've been putting off the Spring prep and clean-up of the yard, but it has to be done, and today was Day 1. It's sad that there's more than 1 day of work necessary because I'm so stiff and achy now that I don't know how I'll feel tomorrow ... although I suspect I'[ll be feeling achy and in pain. Yeah. But - I want to get the damn yard done, and that means doing a lot more work yet - ideally tomorrow - and then as many days after until it's all done (which sadly can't come too soon). Have I mentioned enough how much I hate yardwork? Posted at 8:36 PM
Every day you'd be better off just staying in bed. Posted at 11:47 PM
Mayday! Mayday! I'm being held prisoner in a <insert stereotypical un-PC racial group here> laundry! Well ... I've been made a slave to doing laundry ... that much is true ... far too true, sadly ... If I don't get back to you tomorrow, send in a rescue team. I might well be buried alive under a mound of laundry. Posted at 7:28 PM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © May 2009