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... and another month ends with a whimper ... Posted at 7:29 AM
More tired now than when work ended a couple days ago. Weird, Posted at 7:01 AM
I wonder if it's possible to ever be happy again. Posted at 6:57 AM
Thanksgiving and a break from work. At least I have that to be thankful for. Posted at 7:22 AM
I finished the 200+ page Policies & procedures Manual and associated forms last week after working two weeks to finish it up (I had worked on it at the end of tax season and for a couple weeks but then dropped it entirely until recently), and I just finished the Employee Handbook yesterday after a week of work (which followed the groundwork I laid months ago when I worked on it for a couple weeks). Now I have to develop a training program for every position in the office - including a detailed program for the tax preparers, and I have today and next week (and while I did lay groundwork months ago, there is a couple month's work to do). I have an idea of how to create a short version that relies more on lectures than written training (which is not as much as I wanted but might suffice), but it will still be a push. Just for fun, I will also be part of the rush to put labels and stamps neatly on 2750 mailers before the end of next week ... because I have all sorts of time, of course. Fun times. Posted at 6:46 AM
Too tired for any reasonable explanation. Why am I so tired? Posted at 6:06 AM
Why should I have to fight this hard to find anything that will make me smile or even laugh, particularly when that smile or laugh lasts but a moment and has long since faded before I am fortunate enough to find another rare find that will elicit a smile or a laugh for another far-too-brief moment? Posted at 6:30 AM
If anyone tells you, "It gets better," punch them to death. Posted at 7:16 AM
Head aching and tired and hungry and just not well. Each day is just a new gift, right? Posted at 7:07 AM
MIgraine, depression, aches, pain, exhaustion, and stress. What more could I ask for? Posted at 6:17 AM
Still too much to do at work, and now I'm valuing my time away from the office since it's getting so close to tax season and those long seven-day, twelve hours-a-day weeks. Fun times. Posted at 6:46 AM
Some progress is better than no progress up until the point you need everything to be done. Posted at 6:23 AM
I need more rest. Much, much more rest. Posted at 6:39 AM
I ate way too much at Olive Garden yesterday, and the movie, while entertaining in its way, was only okay, not spectacular. My parents were a bit less talkative but I was as well - we were all a bit worn out in certain ways I think - and when we left from the movie and found snow accumulating a bit we headed back to their hotel, and after about an hour of some talk and TV watching I headed back to the apartment. Weather permitting they'll leave this morning, stopping to visit my nephew at the University of Kentucky on their drive back to Florida, and of course in not very much time I'll be heading back into work for another week of fun (WARNING: Thinly-veiled sarcasm). Fun times. Posted at 7:33 AM
Well, yesterday was a busy day with my parents. We had a late breakfast at Bob Evans, visited together in my apartment for a short while, then went to the Wolcott House Historical site in Maumee for a personal tour. After that we headed back to their hotel so my dad could watch his football game while I took my mom to a book sale at one of the library branched in town (where she cleaned up) and then took her back to my apartment to talk for another hour, then back to the hotel where (after checking the game scores and my dad0 we talked in the library for another hour. After that we went to watch the last of the football game together and then went to a slightly late dinner at Applebee's which was good but not great. I'd been suffering a very painful headache all day, and dosing myself repeatedly with my migraine aspirin had no effect, so after I drove them back to the hotel from dinner I called it a night - it was 9:30 PM by then, so I didn't feel it was unkind. Today the head is better but still not quite right. The rough plan was for lunch at Olive Garden and then taking in Inception at the theatre. We'll see how the day plays out. Posted at 7:13 AM
My parents got into town late yesterday evening for a weekend visit, surely the only time I'll see them until well into Spring. We had a late and very filling dinner at the nearby Chinese Buffet and chatted a great deal - more than I expected would happen actually. And while it was nice to talk, it was draining and depressing in many ways as well. Each in their own way my parents want and/or expect more from me than I can give (now or probably ever) and they don't get that I lost any hope for anything to change for the better a very long time ago. That I'm not ambitious or motivated seems a mystery to them, and that I'm more concerned about whether my apartment leasing agent will refuse to renew my lease and kick me out on the street rather than aggressively pursuing some elusive, wonderful mystery job that probably does not and will never exist in Toledo, Ohio and which (even if it did exist) would never be something I would ever be considered for as a candidate. Why? Who knows. I've given up understanding why nothing good ever happens to me. It just is. That's the way of the universe. I don't know how to convey any of that to my parents, and any time I try they clearly don't understand. That's okay. It's not their problem. I just wish I didn't have to feel like my life is letting down more people than just me. Posted at 7:26 AM
Too much of the bad and horrible and painful; nothing of the good and wonderful and loving. Life as usual. Posted at 6:38 AM
I've had a glimpse into the near future and I want to die even more now. Quickly! There's no time to lose! Posted at 6:29 AM
Tired. Slightly achy. Depressed. Migraine. Fun times. Posted at 6:29 AM
So much work to do that I can't get any work done. It seems impossible but it still happens. Posted at 6:54 AM
Let this torture end. Posted at 6:50 AM
IT takes far too long to die. Posted at 7:00 AM
Can I sleep all weekend? I want to, even though there are things I need to get done. <Sigh> So little time. Posted at 7:43 AM
My tax seminar is done - and that's a good thing. If they had any more time to tell us about even more changes and additions to the way taxes are now required to be done then my head surely would have exploded. It already came close to that during both of the past two days with the migraines I developed. Now I have not only a huge list of things that need to be done before tax season begins that's I've been struggling to accomplish for months, but a whole list of new preparations and research needs to be done as well. I have been extremely concerned since Peggy cut back our hours that we'd never have everything ready we need to prepare. Now I have no doubt. There is no way to get all of this put in place in time. My life is a nightmare. Posted at 6:12 AM
The new requirements and changes this tax season are going to cause a TON of extra paperwork, time, trouble educating/explaining to clients, and a lot of frustrated clients who will of course blame us, not the IRS. More fun! Posted at 5:26 AM
... and now the owner is setting up interviews more than a week before planned (because that's more fun than the other things she has to do) and as a result there is no way for me to get the Policies and Procedures Manual done, including the Employee Application, Reference Check process, Interview Questions, Job Applicant Comparison Worksheets, or the whole myriad of things they'll have to fill out and/or sign if they get hired. And she hasn't called a single reference for any of them. And we only posted the notice a week ago and this week I just put up new job postings at seven local universities, so they have barely even been up yet. Fun times never end, eh? Posted at 5:54 AM
I finished one project at work today and moved two along to as far as they can be until a week or two from now, and did work on two other projects that still have a lot more to go - but I had hoped to be at this point last week, so I'm behind even if things are moving forward. There's much more to do tomorrow and Wednesday and Thursday will be spent at a tax seminar with early starts and late endings both days. Yea! Posted at 6:38 AM
This will be a busy work week no matter how things end up, but it has the chance to see a number of things get finished so I can move along to other, necessary tasks. My minimum hope is that I at least get a week that's better than the stupid crap-fest I lived through last week. Posted at 7:04 AM
I need a time machine just to keep up. Posted at 6:36 AM
I should go back to sleep. Posted at 6:53 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © November 2014