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FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I hate this job in every way possible, and I don't foresee this getting any better. So much for a holiday off (what's a promise anyway, when it's not from a friend?) Posted at 10:15 AM
I'm up early for an early departure for a long day at a district meeting in CLeveland (Strongsville) for work. Oh boy. Kill me now, please. Posted at 6:17 AM
Let's try to put yesterday - a horrible, tiring, frustrating day that clearly wants to haunt me all tax season let's put it behind us. Can we dom that? Please? Pretty please? Posted at 8:01 AM
MOre work ... less sleep ... Posted at 7:49 AM
Tired today,despite not doing all that much yesterday. Sadly, at least for part of today, it's back to work. : ( Posted at 8:23 AM
Much good conversation with Steve yesterday and also MUCH FOOD. Possibly too much, although it was all so tasty it's hard to think it was too much. It was a nice day, though. I should have more like this. Posted at 8:41 AM
Merry CHristmas to all. Plans today are to bring Steve over here, cook a huge meal, pig out, be unable to move, talk, eventually take Steve home, and do as little else as possible. Sounds like a full day. Posted at 7:46 AM
Christmas Eve ad I still have tasks and errands to get done today, despite a busy past two days. Fortunately the tasks and errands are few, so I have reason to believe I might get some relaxation today. Here's hoping. Posted at 7:45 AM
This idiocy tires me sometimes more than the fatigue I still encounter from the cancer, and that's hard to believe. Posted at 7:12 AM
I had thought I would be able to rest a bit today, but instead I have a busy, crazy work days ahead. Wheeeee!!! Posted at 7:09 AM
Another day of meetings for work ... when does it end? Posted at 6:24 AM
Tired today after what was mostly a relaxed day yesterday. You'd think I'd feel more rested ... but no. Today will be busy with a variety of tasks and errands. Hopefully that will all go quickly and smoothly and I'll have some more time to rest and relax. Tomorrow will be a long work day, and I need rest desperately. Posted at 7:00 AM
I had a bunch of tasks and errands to complete yesterday, and I managed to get them all done! Even better, I was able to buy a ticket early and a couple hours later see a matinee-priced run of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I was lucky in that the movie time started just after school would have let out, maybe in some cases just before, and as a result there weren't very many people - a good number, but not a packed theatre. When the movie was finished e was a different story. The theatre was packed shoulder to shoulder in the lobbies with cordoned packed lines of people in the corridors cued and waiting for the movie to finish and to let them in for the next showing. I remember this sort of a mob from another time I went to a Star Wars movie in the first few opening days, and this is what I remember. I"ve seen all of the previous six Star Wars movies on the big screen, and as much as I don't pay for the theatre experience any more, this is one movie I really do believe the experience would be less on a TV. So I'm glad I went. As far as the movie itself, I liked it. I was prepared to love it and be unwaveringly excited, but it wasn't everything I could have hoped for. Don't get me wrong, it hit all of the right notes. Visually it was beautiful, the cinematography incredibly well done and with an amazing focus on trying to match the camera-styles, fades, and overall appearance of all of the previous Star Wars movies. It did this and the wonder of the CGI and animatronics and costuming to perfection. I also thought the plot and storyline were great, and in contrast two the three prequels, the actors were all warm ad alive and acted well. On the down side, the pacing was off, some scenes not dragging but seeming to be a bit slow without need, and some scenes - particularly the most exciting action scenes - wrapped up quickly just as you fully realized what was happening and could appreciate it. And for me most disappointing of all was that the most emotional scenes in the movie didn't carry the depth and power they should have or that we saw in earlier films. For example - and not to spoil anything - in A New Hope, when Vader cuts down Obi Wan before Luke's eyes, we are struck, partly because of the lead-up dialogue, partly because we've had a short time but enough to truly like Old Ben, and in large part because of Luke's anguished outcry of "No!!" We feel the pain and anguish at least for Luke and some even for ourselves, and that's a huge part of the power of the original Star Wars films, and unfortunately, I felt the couple scenes of this level of emotional power failed to carry that impact. That was my big disappointment. With all of that said, this movie will smash records and make huge amounts of money, introduce a new generation to loving Star Wars, and unquestionably make it possible for Disney to make many, many more Star Wars movies and know they will make money. Posted at 8:04 AM
Exhausting days this week, making me question whether - honestly - whether I could make it. Today is phenomenally light and should be trouble and stress-free by comparison, yet there is still much to be done. I might just survive this week intact. Posted at 7:43 AM
Yesterday at work was crazy but didn't almost kill me like Monday. Could today be better, worse, or the same? Who knows? I still have to endure this ... somehow. Posted at 6:24 AM
Hell does exist ... and I'm heading back there again today ... like a fool to the slaughter ... Posted at 6:41 AM
Back to work ... Posted at 6:32 AM
Tired again, despite having slept later than I'd planned, and I have a fair amount of work I have to do for the job today, despite preferring to try to rest. Posted at 7:39 AM
Tired, but not much to do today work- or task-related, so I can hopefully knock those few things out and relax with some reading and stuff. I need a break. Posted at 7:39 AM
Tired again. When will this end? Posted at 6:34 AM
Another day of all-day meetings for work, and I'm tired to start. Hopefully I'll catch a second wind ... somewhere. Posted at 6:36 AM
If I would never hear about the Duggar family again it would still be too soon. Posted at 7:43 AM
Depressing days ... Posted at 8:05 AM
Damn fool people doing stupid shit. How am I supposed to live like this when people constantly want to fuck it up worse than it already is? Posted at 6:47 AM
I'm getting too old and decrepit for any of this stuff any more. Posted at 7:38 AM
Two days in a row now, I've slept in late and I've slept pretty much the whole night through without waking up! It's like a miracle! I'm still feeling slightly fatigued, but I'm so, so much better. I don't know if this will last, but it has been great these past two nights. Posted at 8:12 AM
Still tired, although I did sleep in today, and I'm sure that should help some. I just wish I could feel caught up and not so drained. Posted at 8:15 AM
sadly I grew even more fatigued during yesterday's meeting than I had been all morning (which was bad since I was quite tired), and I struggled most of the day to stay awake. THen, in the afternoon, I just felt awful, sick to my stomach and exhausted and achy. You'd think I had the flu or something. I didn't get out until about 6:45 PM - and I should have stayed a bit longer, honestly, but I just couldn't as I felt so horrible - and I went back to the apartment to die. Sadly I didn't die and now, today, I have another full, long day of meetings and I feel just as exhausted as I did yesterday plus I'm a little nauseous. An inauspicious start ... Posted at 6:30 AM
So tire and yet meetings all day today from 9 Am til 7 PM and more of the same tomorrow, just as long. So tired. Posted at 6:33 AM
New month, same old shit. Posted at 6:30 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © December 2015