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Still tired, but I fell asleep early last night and slept i this morning and got somewhere around ten hours of sleep. Clearly my body needed that - and clearly I'm still damn tired - but it never seems to be enough. Posted at 8:02 AM
Another day, another dollar - and's that's not far from the truth. All this work, stress, and headaches and I barely get more than a dollar for my suffering. What is this, China? Posted at 6:08 AM
It's not bad enough I have to get up at 5:30 AM to be ready to go and have time to scrape Winter from my car and drive the half hour to work in time to be there, but today I have to get up at 5 AM and rush to get ready for an ungodly early appointment at the hospital. Fun. Posted at 5:34 AM
How is any of this worth it? Posted at 6:17 AM
April 15th cannot arrive too soon. Posted at 6:09 AM
More hell. Posted at 6:15 AM
... and after what seems like almost o break at all (because it wasn't) I head back to the hell that is work. Hurray. Can I die yet? Posted at 6:12 AM
Soooo tired. When will I not feel tired? I even fell asleep early and slept in a bit. It just is never enough. Posted at 8:09 AM
Sooo. Vomiting, diarrhea, cold s, hot flashes and cold sweats on Tuesday; headaches, body aches, nausea, and tremendous fatigue Wednesday; mild nausea out of nowhere mid-morning, growing as the day progressed until vomiting after 8 PM when I got back to the apartment on Thursday; and a mostly decent although tired day Friday until I woke up in the middle of last night for hours with diarrhea And then my alarm went off at 5:30 AM this morning for another sitting spell on the toilet. The fun just never ends ... and like a fool I'm getting ready to go into work because there are things I simply have to get finished. I don't think I should eat, however, as the diarrhea this morning wasn't all as I nearly vomited while brushing my teeth this morning. Will this flu never quit? Posted at 6:20 AM
Why even try? It's just going to get shot to hell anyhow, no matter what it is, how hard you tried, or how well you did it. You can't win. Just give up now. Posted at 6:09 AM
Dead tired but not dead. I'm past the flu (except for a mild, lasting headache), but now I have to go back to work where - after having been caught up for the first time all year - I am now suddenly way behind on things (due to changes and newly demanded things) and the regional manger is touring the district tomorrow and expecting all of these things to be done. Hurrah. Posted at 6:21 AM
I got hit out of nowhere by the flu yesterday, waking up with a headache and upset stomach and then a few hours later projectile vomiting every last thing in my body. As the day progressed I had hot sweats and then a lasting inability to keep any body heat, all while passing every bit of fluid immediately out of my body from one end or the other. I didn't eat anything all day - I couldn't - and it's pretty clear nothing would have stayed down. Last night was a frequently interrupted sleep, but I think it did some good. I have a huge headache, worse than yesterday, some aching body parts, and still some nausea, but I'm not just cold as cold can be. The key will be to see if I can keep down some breakfast. Hopefully. I feel wiped, though. Very achy, very tired, and just wiped out. It's a good thing I don't get sick very often. This sucks. Posted at 7:32 AM
Not even hum day and already I wish this week was over. Posted at 6:19 AM
"I [had] a dream ..." ... but then I faced reality and realized that the world was a shit-hole beyond redemption and despite how easy it would be to have a world in harmony and peaceful brotherhood, people are too selfish and fucked up to work together for their own good so it will always be this same miserable existence. Posted at 6:06 AM
I slept in quite late but I'm still oh so tired. Will I never feel rested? Posted at 8:30 AM
I could have slept in this morning - and I wanted to - but my body apparently ha other ideas, so I've been up for about an hour when mentally and emotionally (and at least I believe physically) I should still be asleep for a while longer. Oh well. I have no control over my life during every other part of the day. Why not extend that to my sleep as well and take away all expectation of control from me. Posted at 6:56 AM
I need three clones of myself. One to manage the Southland location, one to manage the Broadway location, and one to handle the marketing and meetings I'm supposed to be doing and attending. That would leave me to catch up on all that I'm behind on for work, and while I wouldn't have any rest time even then, at least I'd be caught up. Send in the clones. Posted at 6:11 AM
Screw this. I simply cannot be in three places at once; nor can I do the work of four full-time people at every minute every day. I will keep trying, but inevitably I will be behind on some things. It's unavoidable. Posted at 6:19 AM
I go in for my PET scan this morning, the results showing whether the cancer is gone or not - but not until I see my doctor's next week. It complicates my work schedule, but that's okay. I'm never going to get on top of things at work, that's clear. I'll just do my best ... and whine. What else am I supposed to do? Posted at 6:06 AM
Yesterday was long but productive - and not quite as insane as each day of the previous week for the most part. There's still much to do, but I'm making progress. I still hate it, but I'm somehow surviving it, so I guess that's something. Posted at 6:18 AM
Sooooo tired. And it will only get worse as the horror of work drains me and keeps me from sleeping throughout the week ... every. single. day. Posted at 6:07 AM
LIfe is hell. Posted at 8:02 AM
Far too much work. Still not enough sleep. Posted at 7:54 AM
Ugh, this job. Death would not merely be a great adventure, it would be much more peaceful and offer more chances to sleep. Posted at 6:05 AM
This week is all far too long hours at work, no time to soak in the tub like I'm supposed to, rushed lunches and dinners (and dinners which are far too late), and not remotely enough sleep. And yet I keep going back ... Posted at 6:31 AM
Ever have that employee or co-worker who talked incessantly, kept you from your work, could be annoying or even aggravating, but was still likeable enough that you couldn't hate him/ i've got him in my store now, and he will be the bane of my existence for three months plus. Posted at 6:15 AM
I was determined I would not work 12-hour days this tax season - for a number of reasons - and what happens the very first day - twelve fucking hours straight! On the first day!! I hate my life. Posted at 6:23 AM
... and back to work I go. The enthusiasm is about as low as could be, and I have so much to do it boggles the mind. April 18th can't come fast enough. Posted at 6:02 AM
Last day before the official start of the tax season and the relentless horror of having both of my stores open every day of the week. Wheee111 Posted at 8:26 AM
Despite supposedly being able to have the New Year's weekend off before opening for every day of the tax season on Monday, I have to go into both offices today to open for a tax preparer to do work with six (SIX!) clients scheduled by appointment on a day we are closed and to do a bunch of paperwork things which we were told at 5:30 PM on the 30th MUST be done before we open our doors on Monday. And sadly this is typical. Why am I still alive? THis is not remotely worth living through (or suffering through, as the case ay be). Posted at 6:34 AM
I am so fucking tired, and despite desperately wanting to, I could not get back to sleep even though I could have slept as long as I'd have liked on this one rare morning. Will I always be tired for the rest of my life now? It doesn't seem like I'll ever feel rested any more. Posted at 8:08 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © January 2016