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Tired and achy ... again. Doesn't life suck enough without age-inflicted problems added on? Posted at 8:16 AM
Finally, the weekend again. Another good chance to read! Wheeeee! Posted at 7:08 AM
Such ... a ... headache ... Worst headache in a long time - and through the night as well as now. Hopefully this won't be one of those lasting ones. A week of this could level me ... Posted at 7:49 AM
Near-biblical floods in Texas - must be due to the anti-gay legislators who not once but twice had photo-ops with anti-gay cakes and pronouncements that they would oppose gay marriage, equal opportunities and service from business for gay people, and any other measure of equal rights for gay people. Every time a pro-gay measure passes some nutjob religious figure claims it was God showing his anger at supporting "the gays," so obviously this is an example that God hates the haters. I wonder if this is what happened way back when and Noah's family was the only pro-gay-rights family on the planet. Posted at 8:24 AM
I came across this John F Kennedy quote describing how he saw being a liberal. It's near perfect:
Posted at 8:15 AM
Nooooooo!!!! Can't the weekend last even longer?! Please!!?? Posted at 7:52 AM
CGA orange origami squirrels as the silent stars of TV ads - I have now seen it all. Posted at 7:58 AM
My body clearly no longer has any idea what 'sleeping in' means. Posted at 7:23 AM
Why am I up and about now when I could be sleeping in for once? Posted at 7:27 AM
"I believe in nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of the imagination." - John Keats Posted at 7:36 AM
Well, small as they may be, good things do occasionally happen. More, please. Posted at 8:17 AM
Anybody got any good news to share? I need to hear that there is something good happening in the world ... Posted at 7:40 AM
Life: the thing you repeatedly think can't get any worse but does. Posted at 8:28 AM
Happy Birthday today to my good friend Sarah! I wish I was with you in Ireland! Posted at 8:23 AM
Hot and humid and it's not only still just mid-May but it's 8 AM!! It's hard to have a day of relaxation when you're sticky and uncomfortable. Posted at 8:09 AM
Saturday, finally. If only I could lay back and read a book today, lazy and uninterrupted ... but I already know that I have to help Steve get a new phone (which he should have gotten any time in the past month and definitely at least a week ago - instead, we now have drama and complications). I need more rest, seriously. Posted at 7:11 AM
Why is it not Saturday yet? Posted at 6:30 AM
Why do things take sooooo much longer than you expect? Posted at 7:15 AM
Well it would be hard for today to not be better than yesterday ... Posted at 7:24 AM
It seems I got more sun than I expected over the weekend, leaving me with a mild burn along my forehead and an overall feeling of being drained and tired. I'll live through it, of course (because I live through all of this shit and keep living ... apparently so I can keep suffering forever ... and eventually the sunburn will fade. I do wonder if I'll be tired all week, though, until I can really sleep and reset and relax next weekend. Hopefully it won't take that long. I'm really dragging. Posted at 6:37 AM
Yesterday was Mother's Day, and I had made reservations for a Mother's Day Buffet at Maumee Bay State Park. The food was great and my mom enjoyed not only the food but the park - she repeated throughout the day how much she enjoyed both in fact. Afterward I drove her through Pearson Metropark so she could see what my nearby Metropark had to offer and she through it was great. From there we went to the Toledo Zoo - they had free admission for mother's today, and I wanted us both to see the newly renovated aquarium as well as the other new things: the Galapagos turtle environment and the "Keet Treat". It was great day to be at the zoo in general as many of the animals were very active, notably all of the primates as well as the elephants and the sea otters (who were at the most playful and active I had ever seen them). We were only there for a few hours and just made our way out as the rains came in. We went back to my apartment to wash up and look online for restaurant options and ended up going out to drive and randomly find a place to eat - and somehow that actually worked! We found a little family diner on Woodville Road (where nearly everything else is closed and out of business) and had a very nice, very reasonably-priced meal. After dinner I took my Mom back to the hotel and chatted for a while, and then I left her to finish packing and get a good night's rest. My mom should be on her way this morning back to Florida, and we had a nice visit. It got me out of my fairly insular life and gave her a nice weekend, too. It's decent. Posted at 7:41 AM
So yesterday we managed to avoid most of the rain as we went from place to place. First, a matinee of Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2; then lunch at Red Robin in the Shops at Fallen Timbers, and then a tour around the Arts and Crafts Festival at the Shops. We went from there to Franklin Park Mall to walk around and window shop for a while. I had a chance to play with an Apple Watch and loved it but still think it's far too expensive for any thought of having one. We started to tire out a bit as we finished a circuit of the mall and decided to head to Luckie's Barn & Grill for dinner and then I dropped my mom off at her hotel for the night. IT was a fun but long day. More plans today and more dodging rain in our forecast. We'll see how it goes. Posted at 7:54 AM
I had a nice dinner with my mom last night at the Durty Bird in the Warehouse District and then an interesting organ concert at the Toledo Museum of Art. In between and around everything we talked quite a bit as well, and we had a fairly late night so I'm tried. More stuff today, but only if the weather doesn't screw us. We'll see. Posted at 7:19 AM
My mother is supposed to arrive today for a visit. I'm tired and still have much to do before the apartment is cleaned up, but I have what I think are nice plans for her visit, so we'll see how things go. Posted at 6:45 AM
And now, as if I didn't have enough shit going and and too much cleaning to do in the time left before my mom comes to visit - ants! Like I need this shit ... Posted at 7:10 AM
Where are the robot maids we were promised in the 50's and 60's? Posted at 7:55 AM
Ridiculously tired yet unable to get back to sleep after waking at 5 AM. It's just endless fun here, folks. Posted at 6:48 AM
NOOOOO!!! Not Monday again!!! Does this madness never end? Posted at 7:21 AM
It's all just shit, no matter where or what. That's all we get. Posted at 7:30 AM
I cleaned my car yesterday for the first time since December, and after a year of deep cold, a decent amount of snow, and a lot of extra trips back and forth to pick up or drop off Steve during the dying days and months of his truck, I believe I can honestly say my car has never been allowed to get that dirty inside ever before. Usually I take the car out at least once and often twice to a car wash during the Winter on a brief clear, reasonably warm day, and I clean up a small bit inside, too. Not this year, though, and it showed. Taking two and a half hours to clean the car wasn't too bad, and the washing and vacuuming costs weren't too bad either, but the change is tremendous. It is so much nicer inside and out, and now I'm rebuffing any little smudge I see! Now if I can just get a start on the apartment and make the same sweeping change. I have had deeper layers of dust and scum in my apartment before, but a good cleaning will still make a difference as to light from day. If only I can get myself going on it - I love the result but hate the task. Posted at 7:24 AM
I wonder what it would be like to have a stress-free day? Could it really even be possib;e? It's like a wonderful dream to think about it just possibly being something that could happen. Posted at 7:03 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © May 2015