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I saw yesterday that the amazing Chris Squire died on Saturday from leukemia. I am greatly saddened by his absence. He was not merely a great musician and songwriter but a great influence more widely in rock and roll. Someone of his caliber will be irreplaceable in the music world. Posted at 7:39 AM
As as been said before, the world is a vampire. Posted at 8:14 AM
Crazy rainy here. Day after day. But of course there's no global climate change because the Republicans say so. Posted at 9:18 AM
I need to make a new t-shirt: "I survived last week. How the hell did that happen?" I could sell millions on the internet. Posted at 7:57 AM
Tired again. I wish I could go to sleep forever. Posted at 7:34 AM
It's a hot time in the old town ... or the country or anywhere. Damn, its' hot. Posted at 8:35 AM
... and then there was that time ... at band camp ... that people were assholes. Posted at 7:49 AM
I should stop posting every day. All I do is whine, mostly about being tired or achy or miserable. I never would have even started this Journal if I thought I'd end up just being a crotchety old man. Posted at 8:33 AM
Headaches and neck pain, together again. Whee. Posted at 8:11 AM
Not as worn and wearied as yesterday. By tomorrow morning I should be refreshed not as much as I'd like (and certainly not enough to appreciate it on a day off) but just restored enough to be beaten down and crushed without fully killing me. Ah, life - the scourge continues ... Posted at 7:39 AM
It seems like I come into every weekend short of sleep, tired, achy (in the shoulders and back), headaches, and hoping to sleep in but never seeming to get that wish. How can five days beat me down that much when all I do is essentially sit in a chair? I don't think this is just because I'm getting old (although that sadly plays a part). It's the weariness of life - or at least of a life lived without purpose. I could do so much more -SO much more - and yet these last couple years of my life are very unfulfilling , despite the accomplishments I have made. Posted at 8:40 AM
Some days it definitely feels like somewhere in the cosmos someone is laughing at you after just having pulled some strings to adjust fate. Only some sadist with a twisted sense of humor could come up with some of this stuff. Posted at 8:34 AM
I'm tired of repeatedly comforting myself by saying, "It could be worse," but that's all I've got. Posted at 8:35 AM
I actually don't mind rain or rainy days - they're nice in a way because they're different. Of course they're not different when it rains every day for two weeks straight. At least it hasn't been continuous but still ... I always thought I'd love to live in Seattle with all of the rain but the lush green of everything because of it. Now I have to wonder ... Posted at 7:49 AM
Less misery and more dream fulfillment please ... Posted at 7:15 AM
15:06:15, 15-06-15 Posted at 3:06 PM
Society had it right in Logan's Run. There's still time to pass the legislation and make the SleepShops by the time set in the book, 2116, and the Republicans show an affinity for pulling the plug on people on life support, killing people indiscriminately in wars, and killing the poor through lack of funds for cost of living and lack of access to healthcare. How much of a stretch is is to make things formal? Posted at 8:17 AM
Ah. The weekend. A time for rest and relaxation. And laundry. And errands. And more stuff. : ( Isn't there enough of this stuff during the week? Posted at 8:15 AM
As if life wasn't bad enough ... then you have to add all of these aches and pains that come with getting old ... Why haven't I killed myself yet? Hmm??? Posted at 6:55 AM
I've got a stiff neck this morning. Reading a book on your bed by the light from the window on a rainy, overcast day is not conducive to good feelings from your body later. I really have to get a proper reading lamp. Posted at 7:25 AM
There should be a law ... All of these current and former Republicans in office that get caught doing the things they constantly rail against should beheld accountable. There should be laws to do so. Oh right! There are! They just don't face them ... Posted at 7:23 AM
Woke up late today. I hate rushing around in the morning ... Posted at 8:19 AM
It's over already? But that wasn't ... there was hardly any ... what kind of a weekend was that? Damn. Posted at 7:30 AM
You should do the right thing ... but be completely aware that you will not be awarded for it, recognized for it, or often even appreciated for it ... and more often than you believe you'll be attacked or reviled for it because some uninvolved idiot(s) will misinterpret what you've done ( or are doing) and won't listen to facts even if you feel they deserve to hear them. Posted at 8:06 AM
6/6/(1+5) ... it's the number of the Beast!!! ... but I thought Devil's Day was the day before Hallowe'en ... Posted at 8:47 AM
Too hot and humid. Let's go back to '60s and '70s. Posted at 7:15 AM
Advertisements have become completely ridiculous. Something that happens on any given day is 'historic', something that has a standard unit of measurement, standard to their industry, offers something 'huge', and things that clearly are available in large numbers but still not really 'limitless.' So much for truth in advertising. Posted at 7:52 AM
I'm really going to miss Jon Stewart when he retires in a couple months. I guess it'll be back to yelling at the TV during every news-type program. Posted at 7:56 AM
Wheee! Ah well. At least I tried to feel carefree and light-hearted there. Posted at 7:54 AM
Tired. Achy. Sleepy. Headache. Depressed. Monday. Posted at 6:29 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © June 2015