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September 2015


divider September 30, 2015

... and now I have to try to fit in still more stuff, namely figuring out a flight to Florida to visit my parents for Thanksgiving which they've generously offered to pay. BUt originally they were going to plan it and buy it, but now I'm supposed to find a decent flight and pay for it - which is a problem since I have too much shit to do already right now and because in the brief time I spent going over it yesterday, I can't find a single flight that's even one-and-a-half times what my mom said she'd found or more (on the same website!).

So this is driving me crazy. As if I don't have enough to deal with right now.

Ah life: the thing that should be called Hell, but people don't want to face reality.

Posted at 6:34 AM


divider September 29, 2015

Well, finally getting time to work on my iMac was not rewarding. I tried a whole bunch of stuff, all but one of which went nowhere, and the one that worked gave me such false hope that I retried it four times at over an hour per procedure. And in the end , squat.

Part of my efforts yesterday were calling Apple Support (which I've only done once in all of the years I've owned various Macs). They were kind and considerate and concerned, an they led me to the hopefully solution that inevitably didn't work. So today I'm checking in with the physical Apple Store around my other appointments and errands, and I'll see what they can do. I'm at the point now where I'm just throwing up my hands in surrender.

Posted at 6:28 AM


divider September 28, 2015

WIthin the span of three days there has been a confluence of things pouring in on me that need to be done with near-immediate attention, and I'm sorry to say but I can only get so much done at a time. Consequently, I have lists upon lists now of things that need to be done, broken down by specific days where possible, and this week will be busy. The big unknown, and the thing I probably have far to little time to work on, is my computer, which I have not yet had a chance to spend even a minute upon since there have been other things I've had to take care of.

I have class this morning and a few calls I have to make this afternoon, and a few other tasks, but I should be able to do some searching on the Internet to see if I can find any idea of what's wrong with my computer and try some self-executed solutions. I'm hoping I can resolve this on my own, but I may end up having to take it to the Apple Store later this week. Who knows?

I'm sure whatever will take me the most time and frustration is what I'll end up with.

Posted at 6:54 AM


divider September 27, 2015

Among the many other "fun, frequent, and fulfilling" bullshit that has been burying me of late, my computer is effectively dead - at least if you consider a solid white, unchangeable screen to be dead (which I do). I'm hobbling along on my laptop and hoping I can get by, and due to a lot of the other bullshit, I have to rush to keep on top of a bunch of other crap before I can even try to figure out what has happened and how I can fix it (if at all).

If this kind of fun keeps coming to me I may finally find the courage to commit suicide.

I really don't need this shit on top of all the other shit.

Posted at 7:17 AM


divider September 26, 2015

My old iPhone has been dying a slow death for the past half year and more, losing it's charge pretty quickly and also, on a few occasions, immediately losing every ounce of charge (from as much as a full charge) and shutting down - sometimes in a call - and not being revivable for ten minutes or so (at which point it only even reacts enough to show it is accepting a charge, but will still not turn on until fully recharged).

So today I finally got a new iPhone. My old iPhone 4 (CDMA version) was the first iPhone Verizon offered, and I've loved it (even if I don't use the data streaming functions as most people with this type of smart phone), but let's face it; that phone is about five years old. It's had a good run as cell phones go. And if iPhone batteries were replaceable I might well have just gone that route, but they aren't.

So the new iPhone is taking forever to set up, transferring music and apps and what-have-you, and then adjusting setting, and still having to learn a lot - let's face it, there are a whole host of new features since what was available on my last phone. Hell, even the iOS offers a lot more. The new iPhone runs on iOS 9.0.1 while the iPhone 4 (CDMA) maxed out at 7.1.1 a while ago. It makes for big changes.

So I'll hopefully finish set-up today, clear out my old iPhone, and either tonight or tomorrow I'm trading in the old iPhone - Verizon is offering a great trade-in value of $100 bucks which is indefinitely better than I could get for a trade-in anywhere else.

So, fun with the iPhone. It's time for change.

Posted at 8:35 AM


divider September 25, 2015

Humanity has had a tremendous problem for a long time that, sadly, no one has yet found a way to circumvent. It's a huge problem that no inventor has tackled and no government program has sought to alleviate. With this causing as many problems as it does, why hasn't anyone found a way to get around this?

It is amazingly difficult and frustrating to figure out what to do when you have to be in two (or more) place(s) at the same time.

(Ain't it a bitch?)

Posted at 6:55 AM


divider September 24, 2015

I watched The Goldbergs and Law & Order: SVU with the back of my eyes last night. I didn't realize I was that tired, but I was OUT. I woke up around 11 PM< stayed up for a couple hours, then went back to sleep. I feel well-rested now, but I'm a bit miffed I screwed up watching the season premieres of both of those shows.

Oh well. First world problems.

Posted at 7:12 AM


divider September 23, 2015

Tax Class, Day 2! The Taxening!!!!

Posted at 6:16 AM


divider September 22, 2015

The H&R Block Tax Course looks pretty decent. It won't be boring like the IRS's VITA program; it has a mix of self-study, lecture learning, and computerized teaching/testing that seems like a good mix; and they seem determined that everyone in the class will learn the material and pass the final tests with flying colors (and I don't take this as suggesting they will pass everyone - I truly sense a commitment that everyone will learn).

We'll see how it goes, but I'm looking forward to it all.

Posted at 6:41 AM


divider September 21, 2015

H&R Block classes start for me today.

Yip. Ee. Can you feel the excitement?

Posted at 6:20 AM


divider September 20, 2015

Best new GEICO ad in a while. The whispering golf commentators comment upon the Kraken bursting from the water hole and grabbing the golfers.

I find very little in my day-to-day life entertaining (and believe me, I try), so it's nice when something makes me smile - and even with repeated viewing!

Posted at 8:23 AM


divider September 19, 2015

Daylight Savings doesn't start until November 1st this year. How am I supposed to wake up at a reasonable hour when it's dark until 8 AM?

Posted at 8:22 AM


divider September 18, 2015

Problems with my mail and problems with my e.mail as well. When will the petty, stupid, lazy annoyances ever end?

Posted at 8:10 AM


divider September 17, 2015

A middle school kid builds an alarm clock all on his own and wants to show it off to his science teacher. What would you expect his teachers to do? They have him arrested as a terrorist making a bomb, of course!

Only in Texas ... (or the South, or the plains states, or ...)

Posted at 8:05 AM


divider September 16, 2015

Temperatures are going down to nice levels but humidity is not, so even though it should be the perfect temperature, it still feels unpleasant. It seems unfair somehow.

Posted at 7:31 AM


divider September 15, 2015

I should have gone to sleep earlier last night. If only it was as easy as saying that.

Posted at 6:32 AM


divider September 14, 2015

Hey, hey! Up at a reasonable hour two days in a row. W00t!

Posted at 7:20 AM


divider September 13, 2015

I'm in cleaning procrastination mode. I keep trying to push myself to clean my apartment and procrastination wins out and I find some way to empower something else as being more important to be done first. I've been doing this for a week or so.

This is normal for me. I love a clean, sparkly apartment, but I do honestly dread and dislike cleaning. I'll make another push to do it today, but the power of procrastination can be difficult to overcome ...

Posted at 7:53 AM


divider September 12, 2015

"Don't break my butt, my achy breaky butt."

Yeah, I guess it doesn't have the same catchiness ...

Posted at 7:26 AM


divider September 11, 2015

Well. I got my wish to be up earlier.

Now I'm really tired.

Posted at 6:41 AM


divider September 10, 2015

Life is a pain in the ass.

Posted at 7:49 AM


divider September 9, 2015

Stiff neck. Boo.

Posted at 8:27 AM


divider September 8, 2015

THAT was supposed to be a long weekend? Hmmph! I think not.

Posted at 8:40 AM


divider September 7, 2015

Labor Day - why are we celebrating work, which most of us loathe or at least hope to make easier or (for a great many) find difficult to secure. Labor doesn't treat us well because our corporate overlords a simply greedy sadists who only care about themselves and not their employees, their customers, their communities, or their country (or even their world). All things be damned if it subverts the securing of the almighty dollar by greedy people who already have more than they need and never were morally deserving of even what they have. And yet we celebrate Labor Day. Why the hell is that?

Posted at 8:25 AM


divider September 6, 2015

“We can have huge wealth in the hands of a relatively few people or we can have a democracy. But we can’t have both.”

- Supreme Court associate justice Louis Brandeis

Posted at 7:50 AM


divider September 5, 2015

I went to bed (and actually to sleep) quite early last night, woke up at 5 AM (which is still a little early for my tastes), went back to sleep and woke up at ten to 7 AM - which was a bit later than what I'd hope for but still far better than I've been doing for the past week. I need to keep working at this until I get back to my 6:60 to 7 AM wakey. That works best ... if I can get back to it.

Posted at 7:28 AM


divider September 4, 2015

The farce awakens.

New Star Wars toys were released today, proving that the new-every-year movies and even TV shows are just meant to be mechanisms for marketing toys, clothing, and other crap, rather than being awe-inspiring, inspirational movies that cause people to dream and strive.

Way to go Disney. You're the model of the New American Dream (sadly and shamefully).

Posted at 8:29 AM


divider September 3, 2015

Hard to believe this is a real world and not some badly-written TV show.

Posted at 8:05 AM


divider September 2, 2015

Dream if you dare.

Posted at 8:10 AM


divider September 1, 2015

I need to readjust my sleep patterns. I'm unable to get to sleep until later than I'd like and of course then I wake up later than I'd like. In a perfect world it wouldn't make any difference, but we aren't anywhere near a perfect world.

Posted at 8:46 AM


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Journal, by Paul Cales, © September 2015