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Posted at 8:28 AM
I got eight hours of sleep last night! It's a miracle. No raising the dead or feeding thousands with one fist and a stale loaf of bread - let's keep in mind this is me we're talking about. The bad stuff happens spectacularly sometimes but never the good. So a good night's sleep - which is a rarity - is as much a miracle to me as it seems the universe will ever allow. : ( So sad. Posted at 8:52 AM
Hurrah! The weekend is here! Posted at 7:40 AM
Longest night's sleep in months! Yea! Posted at 8:17 AM
... not the first person to tell me I'm a sick, sick man ... Posted at 7:49 AM
I heard the Gemini twins gossiping about their neighbors, and they said that the crab has cancer. Can you imagine? I guess he has a right to be crabby. Posted at 7:02 AM
Even when I try to get a longer night's sleep I fail. Posted at 7:33 AM
Finally got some relaxation yesterday ... and now it's all over. Can't weekends be made longer? Posted at 8:29 AM
After a crazy week I was looking forward to a couple simple, relaxed days, and yet here I am, one down and one to go - yesterday was not as relaxed as I'd expected and today is looking a little rushed as well. I'll still be able to relax more than during the week (thankfully), but I had really been hoping for a super-lazy weekend to recharge, and that is certainly not what I have gotten. Posted at 8:42 AM
I need more than a two-day weekend after a week like this ... Posted at 8:37 AM
Let's make a law that punishes hypocites with a scarlet "H" branded on their forehead. Also a hypocrite registry. And mandatory forcing of hypocrites not to live or work within 100 yards of any human being. Seems fair. Posted at 7:50 AM
Three cheers for my good friend Steve. He's always there when I need him, and he truly knows what it means to be a fiend. I'm very lucky to have him in my life. Posted at 8:23 AM
Quite tired after another night where I woke up at 4 AM and found it veritably impossible to return to sleep. I hate nights like this. Posted at 7:51 AM
We have collectively been made to see mutual support and kindness as weakness or loss when in fact the old proverb still is the truth of the matter:
Posted at 8:13 AM
If it's true that "you don't get anything unless you fight for i"t and its true that "winners never quit" and it's true that "the fittest survive" and it's true that "fortune favors the bold" then serial killers are the most successful people in society. Posted at 8:17 AM
Calgon baths, take me away. (Or anybody - take me away from this misery) Posted at 8:56 AM
I saw an episode of the Brady Bunch that I've never seen before. It seems impossible that I've never seen every episode with how many times I have rewatched that show since I was a kid. Posted at 7:39 AM
New day, same bloody misery. Big shock. <sarcasm> Posted at 7:57 AM
Why do we settle for (or outright approve of) all of the many things that wrong us individually and collectively. Are we this stupid? Can we not see how simple it would be to have a caring, supportive country (world) with so little effort? Posted at 7:32 AM
Weary. Not terribly tired but very weary. When will this hell be over? Posted at 7:45 AM
I like puns and wordplay far too much to be a part of society. Posted at 7:57 AM
Mondays are like a vampire that keeps rising from the grave to suck the life out of you. Posted at 7:53 AM
The temperatures outside are summery but not bad for August (hotter than I like, but not oppressive as is often the case in late summer). Inside the apartment, however, it is a sauna. Why? I have no idea. I run the A/C and after a half hour it feels okay, but the moment I turn off the A/C it feels sticky and hot and rapidly gets worse. The hall in the building is like an over. A sweaty oven. I fear I have another couple months of this horror. Posted at 8:45 AM
Tired. Why am I up this early on a weekend (or any day (and why have I been up for an hour))? Posted at 6:59 AM
The first Republican debate has passed and the Apocalypse hasn't started yet. This was not one of the futures that was foreseen. Posted at 8:15 AM
I think I'm ready for an easy job - something like Rabbit Breeder. Posted at 7:31 AM
Very powerful headache this morning - first of any significance in a couple weeks (which may be a record). Looks like it's making up for that today. Posted at 7:51 AM
Spacey in-my-head day so far. Sadly I don't have time for a day-dreamy day. Posted at 8:42 AM
... and now back to our regularly scheduled idiocy ... Posted at 8:45 AM
I'm tired of being anemic. Posted at 9:01 AM
Very sad to hear that "Rowdy" Roddy Piper has died. During the time I watched and laughed regularly at WWF during its height, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper was my favorite. He wasn't hulking or bulging; he was brash but charming in his way; he was clever but also more than a little crazy; and he was just plain fun every minute he was on the screen. He lent all of those attributes to the movies he was in, never becoming a film star but being a good actor and clearly enjoying himself and passing that enjoyment through the role to the viewer. To this day the John Carpenter cult classic "They Live" is one of my all-time favorite movies, and it is only because of Roddy and his performance. You will be missed, Roddy Piper, but you will never be forgotten. Posted at 7:49 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © August 2015