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| message board August 2016
Another month dies while I still don't. Great. Posted at 8:48 AM
... not just anybody ... Posted at 7:58 AM
: ( Posted at 7:34 AM
More of the same ... Posted at 7:58 AM
Still hot. Posted at 7:54 AM
I seem to be winning over the cold, but I still feel crappy from the cold, so "winning" isn't quite the right word to use. Posted at 7:43 AM
Or the fog may not be lifting. I hate having depression. Posted at 7:53 AM
The fog may be lifting. I have been less depressed the past three or four days, and that's a huge change. And I'm pleased to see it. This has been a rough run of depression. But of course since nothing can ever just be good news, I have a nasty Summer cold that has gotten worse as my depression has gotten better. IT's very unpleasant. Lucky me. Posted at 7:33 AM
Tired. Why am I always so tired? Posted at 7:21 AM
America, why are you such a tabloid nation? Posted at 7:41 AM
Tired but passed the AFTR test with great scores last night. That's something at least. Posted at 8:34 AM
I had a pleasant dinner with my friend Chris from Chicago along with his spouse Simone and their wonderful son Quincy. I haven't seen Chris in a few years and this was the first time to finally meet Simone and Quincy. It was a wonderful time, and while I wish I could have spent even more time with them, it was great they even stopped in Toledo on their trip at all, just to see me, so I truly appreciate it. I need more shining moments like this in my life. Posted at 7:49 AM
Why must it be so hot - day after day after day ... Posted at 7:18 AM
Fighting this depression is nearly impossible. I haven't given up trying, but it's ridiculous how much of a struggle I have to put up. Posted at 8:08 AM
Head - aches - killing. Posted at 7:52 AM
I am losing my mind. Posted at 7:11 AM
A dreary day, like my life. Posted at 8:06 AM
Why make such a horrible world when with no effort at all we could have one so much better? Posted at 8:25 AM
Getting nowhere fast. Posted at 8:18 AM
So. Posted at 8:24 AM
Living is not simply existing. Posted at 8:19 AM
Hmmm ... Posted at 7:50 AM
What next? With this much new stuff to fuel my depression, why should I expect the unpleasant surprises to stop? That's not how my life works at all. So what's next? What horrible shit does the universe have in store for me next? Posted at 7:18 AM
8+8=16 8/8/16 Posted at 8:51 AM
Hot, sweaty, depressed to the point of feeling oppressed, and with a massive headache that won't go away. THis seems to be the new normal. Lucky me. Posted at 9:05 AM
Everybody - Hot, Hot, Hot!! Posted at 7:17 AM
Of course. Of course they would change the management arrangements at HRB for the coming year such that where there were 26 spots last year there will now be 13. Dandy. Of course. Posted at 7:52 AM
Why not me? Posted at 7:22 AM
I knew there were circles of Hell, but who knew there are blocks, too? Posted at 7:37 AM
This depression is hell enough without the unbearable heat this year. But I get the heat, too ... Posted at 7:19 AM
New month; old depression. Posted at 7:54 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © August 2016