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Another month drops dead and I"M STILL HERE. Why? Posted at 8:13 AM
Once again, even the most simple things get screwed up through no fault of mine, but I end up being the one it causes problems for. Typical. Posted at 7:48 AM
I wish I led as charmed a life a Donald Trump and could get away with every lie or mistake I ever made and not only get away with it but have hordes of people love me even more for it. Posted at 7:36 AM
Today would have been my grandma's 102nd birthday. I wish she was still here to celebrate it. I miss her so much. Posted at 12:07 PM
The Summer anime season is ending and there are a lot of characters I've grown attached to that I don't want to stop seeing every week. It's upsetting to me, sad as that probably sounds. Posted at 7:54 AM
Tired and hot. It may be cooling down some, but the humidity makes it hard to tell. Posted at 7:58 AM
Itching. Itching! ITCHING!!!! Posted at 8:05 AM
I got a goofy little problem with the car fixed yesterday and got a free car wash as well. That was nice. In other news, the bug bites I got while my mom and I were vi sting her friend on their lakefront patio at night last week have become distractingly itchy and driving me nuts. Fun times. Posted at 7:35 AM
I accomplished all tasks and errands yesterday without some unexpected delay. That's much better than the usual. Now if things would continue in a similar fashion ... Posted at 7:38 AM
After breakfast at Grumpy's my mom and I spent a good part of the day in Sandusky, looking at the changes, eating lunch at Berardi's, and visiting my grandma in the cemetery. Once back in Toledo we settled in for a little more talk before I left my mom to her packing. She left this morning. It was a nice visit and a great change of focus for me. Now I have a number of tasks and errands to accomplish. Life resumes. Posted at 8:08 AM
My colonoscopy went well (or as well as that kind of thing can go), and my mom and I had a relaxed day watching TV and talking together. THis was different than what we usually do when she visits as we're usually out and about to do things for her visit, but this was nice, too. Posted at 7:18 AM
Yesterday turned out well. After having constant heavy rain all day Saturday, it was nice to have a sunny day yesterday, and it allowed us to go to the Toledo Botanical Gardens, which I had hoped to do Saturday until we were rained out. My mother truly enjoyed the Gardens, and we had a good day based around that. Later this morning I'll be having another colonoscopy, so it's not quite as enjoyable of a day, but it shouldn't be too bad. We'll see what the rest of the day brings. Posted at 7:11 AM
Happy birthday today to my mom! Yesterday we got rained upon everywhere we went, and we missed out on some things because of that, but we had a decent day. Hopefully today's weather will play better so my mom's birthday is more special. Posted at 7:28 AM
My mom arrived in town late yesterday afternoon. We had dinner and spent the evening with friends of hers in Port Clinton, and it was nice (although a later night than I've had in a long time). Posted at 8:05 AM
There should be a better way. Posted at 7:36 AM
I should stop writing daily Journal entries when I clearly have nothing to say (or at least nothing interesting), but I feel like I still need to do this daily for some reason. Is this just my OCD? Posted at 7:27 AM
Zzzzzzzz.... Posted at 7:57 AM
Still. So. Tired. Posted at 8:08 AM
Hot, tired, extremely depressed, and still alive - a miserable combination. Posted at 7:50 AM
9/11 again and coverage everywhere. DO you remember seeing anything on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing? Of course not. Posted at 8:24 AM
A new pill for depression, Prozac, and new side-effects. Hurrah. This may not have any useful effect at all (like the last two anti-depressants) but I'll have to deal with acid reflux so bad it woke me up and kept me awake. And I'll have to do this for weeks to see if there is any effect at all on the depression. This is not how to improve my emotional state. Posted at 8:02 AM
I think more than I hate things going wrong is that I'm still surprised and upset when things go wrong. I learned a long tim ago that no matter how hard I prepare or plan, no matter how closely I understand and follow the rules, and no matter how cautiously I prepare and arrange things, it will all usually go wrong anyway. I know this. And yet I'm still surprised and upset when it happens. Posted at 6:55 AM
Is there no end to this misery? Posted at 7:44 AM
... and there it is. Just when you think things are turning up, BAM. The universe slaps you down again. Take that motherfucker. You'd better learn to live in Hell and like it. Posted at 7:55 AM
I must admit that on occasion something positive seems to happen, and I at that point I have to steel myself and remember that every time this happens it's a set-up for things to collapse even worse than ever before. Posted at 7:18 AM
There is only ever 'just as bad' or 'worse'. Posted at 7:27 AM
... because what else am I supposed to expect from my life at this point? Posted at 7:59 AM
... and of course it gets worse ... Posted at 8:16 AM
... or it could get worse ... Posted at 8:51 AM
This could be bad ... Posted at 8:04 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © September 2016