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Shutting down ... Posted at 7:18 AM
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Posted at 8:21 AM
This stinks. I should expect that by now ... but it stinks. Posted at 6:54 AM
A headache - not a migraine - but a headache anyhow. For quite a while now, since I've been taking the blood pressure medication, my migraines have not recurred and I've had few headaches and they've been short and not too strong. During the past week, however, my depression has kicked up fairly strong (despite the Prozac) and I've been getting headaches that last or keep coming back. No fun. Posted at 7:27 AM
And let the fuckery continue ... Posted at 7:51 AM
Where's the sanity? Posted at 7:13 AM
I could do without the kind of crap I have to endure. Posted at 7:13 AM
I'm tired. Posted at 6:48 AM
The Cubs won last night, so it will be the Indians and the Cubs in the World Series - curse against curse. This is tough for me as these are my two favorite teams, and as much as I'll be excited for the winner, I'll probably feel even worse for the loser. They both deserve this so much ... Posted at 8:08 AM
There were some link problems on this page that were brought to my attention yesterday. My apologies these weren't fixed earlier (I have no idea how long this was a problem), but the links should all work now. Enjoy. Posted at 8:00 AM
I dislike uncertainty and lack of solidity, and my job is rife with both at the moment. I just wish I knew where things will be in a couple months. This is killing me. Posted at 6:34 AM
The final presidential debate was last night. How did we get to this point? Posted at 6:46 AM
LIfe is strange - my life at least. Now it seems I may have a new job, but I don't know the full title and don't have any clear idea of what I will be doing outside of generalities. This is my life. Posted at 6:38 AM
Hey! Let's make you feel even worse about your situation, Paul! Hurrah. Posted at 7:41 AM
Yes, Virginia, there is a Satan Claws - and he's coming to get you! Posted at 6:47 AM
Why does it just go on and on like this? Why can't the end come? Why? Posted at 7:23 AM
Yep. Clearly on the road to beggary. What a life ... Posted at 7:29 AM
It's looking more and more like the universe is laughing at me as it conspires to send me into homelessness. Lucky me. Posted at 7:42 AM
Welcome to my miserable life. Posted at 7:52 AM
I had thought the Prozac was maybe working ... until this morning. Why do I even try? Posted at 7:41 AM
Change must come. Posted at 8:14 AM
I had the first of my online virtual classes for work yesterday, and that went well. Now just weeks and weeks more to go ... Posted at 8:13 AM
The "Meet-and-greet" with the new District Manager yesterday gives me a good feeling about how my job will be this year. I'm still worried about whether I'll be selected as a manager and if so which offices I would be leading, but we are closer to a decision on that too - some time next week it seems is likely. We'll see how it all develops ... Posted at 9:02 AM
Why can't the heat go away? I thought it was supposed to be Fall already ... Posted at 8:53 AM
I have my manager interview today. Wish me luck. Posted at 7:49 AM
It's a strange old world, friends.. Posted at 8:07 AM
Ten-four, good buddy. Posted at 7:48 AM
FINALLY! Cool weather. Posted at 6:51 AM
Boo. Posted at 7:10 AM
I really need to start writing these at night. Maybe that will help with having something worthwhile to write. Posted at 8:05 AM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © October 2016