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| message board April 2008
No surprises today - I still hate yard work. You would, too, after nearly six hours just working on the fucking lawn (the flower beds will take much more time than that). Now I've not only wasted the day away on something I hate, but I also ache everywhere and feel like i'm going to pass out. Good times. Good times. Posted at 11:08 PM
How do you bear it? Posted at 11:05 PM
... and so yet another thing ends, not with a bang but with a whimper. Posted at 10:52 PM
Dark. Pain. Anguish. Despair. Posted at 9:47 PM
How can I possibly be sinking deeper? Posted at 11:34 PM
< Posted at 7:34 PM
I finally watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight. How can a Tim Burton movie with Johnny Depp not be awesome? How, oh how, could anything involving either man be so colossally bad? Posted at 11:58 PM
So shines a good deed ... in a weary world. Posted at 9:59 PM
Thhhpppttt. Posted at 10:00 PM
Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. Posted at 10:05 PM
What do you know - I managed to survive another day. I never would have believed it ... Posted at 2:34 AM
Nope ... still nothin'. Posted at 10:28 PM
Should I just give up? Posted at 10:50 PM
I have lived much too long. Posted at 11:50 PM
Life is a bad TV show with no new material. Posted at 12:14 AM
Directly or indirectly, my grandmother will be the death of me. Posted at 10:20 PM
Spring is in the air. If only that was true in the romantic sense. No such luck. Posted at 11:23 PM
I am thoroughly exhausted ... and yet I can't seem to sleep a full night no matter what. It's a curse I tell you - an evil curse. Posted at 11:44 PM
I hate crappy servers, whether they're my service provider's or a content provider's. Shouldn't people be able to maintain this sort of thing if they are putting it out there? It's like going to a McDonald's and having to accept that they might be out of fries and burgers every now and again, just because they're inept. Nobody would accept that sort of situation, and this isn't really any different. Posted at 10:36 PM
I finally have my TV back and working. Nearly a month with no picture (and over a week without the TV here at all), and it's finally repaired and back for me to enjoy. I've had the TV in my bedroom, but watching TV in bed isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's okay for a lazy morning or just as you're winding down before going to sleep, but watching from my couch or my desk chair is much preferable, particularly when this TV is so much larger and nicer and hooked up to my stereo. And it was just in time to watch the U.S. premiere of the Sarah Jane Adventures, so that was really wonderful. It was a stressful, crazy, over-full, over-long day otherwise, but the TV coming back has been a really nice reward. Now we won't mention the fact that yet another power adapter for my laptop has died. Let's just focus on the good technology issues for the moment. There's be plenty of time to be frustrated later, but let's not spoil things now. Posted at 10:15 PM
I need a vacation ... the real kind, where I don't have to deal with my grandma at all for a week or more. Too bad that's not going to happen any time soon ... Posted at 10:04 PM
My mother has now left the building. It wasn't too bad this past week. I got some degree of a break from my grandma, and my grandma clearly got a lot out of the visit. Unfortunately we were back to business as usual today. My grandma forgot to take her pills in the morning and got angry and cursed when i reminded her about them, something that's nearly a daily occurrence for me but which didn't happen at all while my mother was here. My grandma was back to eating very little for lunch and dinner and being amazed at how tired she was as the day progressed (and of course she denied any connection) while she had eaten well while my mother was here. I don't know if my grandma 'puts on a show' for my mom and sister or what, but at last they're finally seeing through the facade and realizing more and more what kinds of things my grandma is really doing. Sadly I didn't get any more sleep this past week than usual, so I still feel quite exhausted. Not much I can do about that, though. Damnit. Posted at 11:07 PM
Happy birthday to my good friend Chris! I'm sending a big hug all the way to you in New Zealand. It's not as good as the real thing, but it'll have to do. Posted at 9:51 PM
Was the dream ever a possibility? Posted at 10:38 PM
I had a good time with the guys tonight. I need these chances to get away from my grandma and the whole situation in Sandusky every once in a while, and this helps, even if it's really nothing special on its own. I miss Mark's addition to the group, though, even while I understand how much his family needs him right now. My cousin Dana was visiting when I got back to town, and she's staying overnight, so I should have a chance to talk to her a bit in the morning. Right now I'm exhausted. I was nodding off in the car on the drive back, and that's just not good. I wish this meant I'd get a full night's sleep, but I have my doubts that things I'll be that lucky. We'll see, though. Maybe just this once.
War - what is it good for? Ugh! Absolutely nothin'. Posted at 11:59 PM
How can I be this tired and still find it so hard to get to sleep? Posted at 11:14 PM
Why,oh why, can't I sleep like a normal person and get seven or eight or nine hours of much-needed rest? Posted at 10:10 PM
My mother has arrived. Thus begins another week of stress. I did get a free dinner at Friday's tonight, though, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Posted at 11:06 PM
Posted at 9:18 PM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © April 2008