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| message board October 2008
I hate days like this, days where you have a far-too-long list of things to do, a lot of little errands that are nothing individually but a pain in the ass all together, and a few larger things to take care of, but spaced far enough apart that you have to try to juggle the little here-and-there errands between the two big items and still be on time and still get done before it's incredibly late. The stress level is always high on days like this, and you just about never manage to finish all you wanted to do anyhow. As it happens, I completed all but two of the things I had originally wanted to do today, but I also had to add in a few items to do, one of which wasn't accomplished, adding to the other two remaining tasks. The new addition, however, really would have been better to have been done today because it's about scheduling some service for my car. The car has been making a sound for about a week which has concerned me, but I haven't had the time to take it to the dealership for someone to check it out. Today, this evening in fact, the sound became more pronounced, and I feel pretty certain I can now feel a faint vibration along with it. It's something to do with the wheels or the axle, I am nearly certain, so I'm concerned. Unfortunately, by the time I could call the dealership to try to schedule an appointment for early next week, they were closed. Now I don't know what to do because Monday will probably be booked solid, and I need the car for a number of things throughout the week next week. I'll just have to wait and see how it plays out, of course, but it isn't shaping up to be in any way convenient. The good news is that while I have had to spend a great deal more time than usual helping my grandma get dressed and fed and together and around for appointments, she is doing exceptionally well for having fell yesterday. She's still got some swelling, and she's still got some pain when she touches the bruised areas, but she's really getting along much better than I would have expected. The next week promises to be insanely busy, with many tasks and appointments and obligations, so I should probably look at today as a preview, but that's really depression, quite honestly, so I think I'll just try to relax as much as I can in what remains of tonight, because I don't know that I'll have any free time again until at least next weekend. Posted at 8:02 PM
My grandmother fell again today - the first time in about two months. This time she was sitting on a chair, leaned over to grab something from the floor, and fell - and hard enough to leave results. Once again she was lucky enough not to break anything, but it took all day with doctor's visits and hours at the hospital for x-rays and CAT scans - and lots of time parking anywhere we went because the Tool, McCain gave a speech in downtown Sandusky today and brought out the loonies who not only don't know how to vote but also don't know how to drive or park. By morning my grandma will have a pretty noticeable black eye with a left cheek that's painful to the touch, and she'll have a large bruise on the back of her left hand, as well as some pain, although the massive swelling in that area has already gone down immensely. I'm trying to get her to take it easy tomorrow and cancel some of her usual out-of-the-house routine, and I think she's willing to take the advice and recuperate. She slept in her recliner most of the evening after I had her eat dinner, and now that I've shooed her off to bed she should sleep soundly through most of the night. A solid night's rest should make a huge difference in helping her heal and feel better, but she's sure to have a week or so before all of the pain is gone, and a few weeks before all of the bruising dissipates. I don't know how she does as well as she does, really. I hate that she has occasional falls like this, but I am simply dumbfounded that she never breaks anything. It's a blessing in a way, but it's also a curse - since nothing serious ever results from these falls, she won't take my concerns and the concerns of the family and doctors seriously about doing things that increase her risk of a fall. She's stubborn as can be in refusing to listen to anything of that kind. You could in fact say she's a bit thick-headed - and you'd be right by both definitions. Posted at 11:06 PM
I wasn't sure about it at points, but today has been a good day. I don't want to jinx anything, so I'll wait to write about certain things until they (hopefully) come to fruition, but a number of 'good starts' appear to be in motion. Let's hope they all play out. Some good, positive things would be a welcome, refreshing, and immensely helpful push in the right direction. More news on a couple of these possibilities within a week ... Posted at 11:22 PM
I wonder if HGTV is largely to blame for people buying houses they couldn't afford and borrowing beyond their means for stuff they didn't really need? Really, how many people had any idea what kind of amazing homes and home furnishings were available ten or twenty years ago? Except for looking at photos in Architectural Digest or Better Homes & Gardens (which were mostly just seen by people waiting in doctor's offices, and which most people saw as basically the homes of the rich and famous), how many people saw the best in design? Posted at 7:27 PM
Posted at 8:41 PM
Why do I believe anybody anymore? Does everyone lie and fuck people over with only their selfish desires in mind, or am I just stuck in some circle of hell where I'm veritably surrounded by such people? Posted at 12:05 AM
The election's pretty much already over anyway - can't we just call it as a clear Obama win and save ourselves the idiocy of ten more days of ridiculous ads, shameless accusations, and an untold number of new yet unbelievable gaffes? Really, McCain's numbers only keep getting worse. You'd think he'd want to end it now before he alienates the final few people who are thinking of voting for him. Posted at 10:38 PM
My appreciation, enthusiasm, and respect for Apple has always been about more than just their products - even though their products alone would inspire my devotion. More than just their products, their ideology has been outstanding. Their view of people - be they customers, merchants, partners, employees, shareholders, or anyone else - has always been about the utmost respect, appreciation, compassion, and dedication. Today they have upheld the same values they have always espoused, and I once again find myself loving this company more than ever before. Today, on their main page, they posted this message:
Thank you, Apple, for upholding your standards as always. Posted at 9:48 PM
Doom. Doom. Doom. Doom. Doom. Posted at 8:45 PM
More control would be helpful ... Posted at 12:19 AM
I need to stop chasing dangling carrots. They pop up now and again, these carrots, dangled out ahead of me, meant to entice me, to give me hope, to lead me in a certain direction ... and I perform as expected, like some trained donkey, some jackass, lured by the promise of a rare treat. And just like some jackass, I find myself tremendously disappointed when the carrot that's been dangling ahead of me is taken away. And just like a jackass, I never learn. Each time a new carrot dangles before me I mindlessly reach out for it, ever-hopeful, perpetually naive. I'm an ass, truly. Even someone with just basic horse sense must surely know better than to fall for this more than once. Posted at 10:10 PM
Hmmm!! Guacamole! Posted at 10:15 PM
I miss all the fun stuff. How did it all come to this. Posted at 11:59 PM
Well .. we're boned. Posted at 11:04 PM
I saw a guy on The Price is Right who looks like a younger version of Count Chocula - if Count Chocula were a real person, of course. Am I strange to make this kind of comparison? Posted at 11:59 PM
It is ridiculous that my life is this tiring right now. I need a vacation now more than ever. Posted at 9:44 PM
John McCain is still a tool. Throughout this last presidential debate I kept expecting him to yell out, "Hey, you damn kid! Get off my lawn!" or some other bitter, angry, out-of-touch show of near-dementia. He came pretty close a number of times, but he just missed crossing over into that 'old crackpot' territory - not that that helped him. He still came off as a bitter, angry grouch who'd rather engage in mudslinging than talk about the issues or even his experience. That behavior in itself makes it clear he's an idiot considering this strategy, used over the last few weeks, has been killing him in the media and the polls. That's fine because I'm happy to see him lose for a number of reasons, but it's just mind-boggling that he seems to make worse and worse choices that lose him more and more support. Posted at 10:46 PM
This is hopeless. I should just be trying to find some enjoyment from life while I can instead of struggling hopelessly like this. I'm just so exhausted and so unable to keep this up, and I'm not only getting nowhere but making myself even more miserable in the process. Under these circumstances, why keep trying? Posted at 9:47 PM
Why have we made life so complicated? We have, you know. It could all be so much simpler and easier. It was once. It really was. Posted at 10:59 PM
The Law of Diminishing Returns holds true for everything, it seems. I'm running myself ragged, and for what? Posted at 10:50 PM
Come out, come out, wherever you are! Posted at 10:43 PM
Is it too much to ask that we all be civilized? Posted at 10:30 PM
I have no idea what to believe anymore. Posted at 11:42 PM
Can I sleep now? Posted at 10:40 PM
John McCain is a tool. Posted at 11:15 PM
Ten years ago today Matthew Sheppard was beaten beyond recognition because he was gay. He died of his injuries five days later. Ten years have passed, yet the world seems only to have gotten worse - worse for those who are gay but truly worse all around, simply worse for everyone. Humans have lost their humanity ... and the end of mankind is clearly fast approaching. Posted at 10:58 PM
I actually walked through some poison ivy today wearing just shorts, brushing the plants against my legs. Fortunately I realized right away what the plants were (or at least Steve did, followed shortly by me), and I was then able to get some water and a rag to wash myself off well. Now, hours later, I seem safe from massive scratching. It's funny that I didn't know until a couple of years ago that if you wash yourself well within fifteen minutes of contact that you can get rid of the secretions of the darned stuff before it interacts with your skin. I didn't have many problems with poison ivy as a kid, but I'd certainly have appreciated knowing then what I know now. But then I guess that's the kind of wish we'd all like for everything - that we knew then what we know now. Posted at 11:39 PM
10-4, good buddy. If only today was as cheery as that play on the date sounds. Posted at 9:46 PM
Sigh. Posted at 10:51 PM
Sarah Palin reminds me of a bobble-head. Her head doesn't bounce around quite as much, but she has that bouncy, uncontrolled direction and that empty-headed goofiness that makes bobbleheads what they are. It's both bizarre and frightening. Posted at 11:01 PM
This world is such a truly horrible place - all due to the influences of man. Why have we done this to ourselves? Posted at 11:01 PM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © October 2008