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| message board August 2009
Another month moves to its end, seeing me more aching, tired, stressed, depressed, and full of migraines than it seems like I could have possibly been just a month ago; and as the month draws to a close my grandma becomes even further detached from reality, further unable to be an active participant in any conversation, further along in her Anorexic delusions and her frightening weight loss, and further entrenched in her transformation from a sweet, demure woman to a raging, bullheaded, crotchety adversary to anyone who comes near her. What a way to mark the passage of time. Posted at 7:37 PM
These migraines are making me talk like Dr. Smith ... Posted at 8:44 PM
I'm quite screwed no matter what happens at this point. Short of winning the lottery (which is less likely than my being struck by lightning and even if it were to happen not the solution for all of my problems) -- there are no possible outcomes that are even the least bit positive for the short-term or the long-term. Joy. Posted at 6:31 PM
Posted at 8:50 PM
If somebody is considered "a cool cucumber" does that mean they're "seedy" as well? Posted at 6:29 PM
A great man has come to his end ... and the world will forever be less than it was or could have ever been. Rest well , Ted. Posted at 7:34 PM
For a while there I'd been reading a book a day every day. Then my depression swelled a couple weeks ago and I haven't been able to get myself to read even part of a chapter. I want to read more books ... but I just can't do it. Posted at 11:35 PM
Posted at 7:15 PM
Hey, jackass - when you ASSUME you make an ASS of yoU and ME. Does your pea brain have the ability to understand that?! Posted at 6:01 PM
Why don't more people kill themselves? Seriously. Life sucks. The world is a mess of selfish, hateful people who enjoy fucking each other over -- why don't more people kill themselves so as not to have to deal with this miserable hell? I'll be damned if I can figure it out ... Posted at 8:05 PM
Anybody got some extra patience lying around that you're not using ... Posted at 9:58 PM
Posted at 8:43 PM
Posted at 12:09 AM
You'd have to read closely in the local paper to realize that Bowling Green - the home of my college alma mater - passed a very comprehensive and inclusive anti-discrimination bill last night. Surely I would never have known if I hadn't read about it on a blog that I rarely follow. I'm glad I know, though. It's a strong start in the right direction, even though Ohio has enshrined the most discriminatory state-wide anti-gay statues and constitutional amendments of any state.
Posted at 6:13 PM
Nothing worth doing is worth doing. Posted at 8:17 PM
Brouhaha versus Moo-Wah-ha-ha! versus Ha-ha! versus Aha! versusHa! The English language continues to amaze ... Posted at 9:45 AM
My head can't possibly hurt any more without exploding. Posted at 7:24 PM
I feel like I'm close to drowning in problems, debt, stress, depression, and hopelessness. I'm completely at a loss for how to improve or resolve any part of this, and if it weren't for my responsibility to my grandma I don't think I could move or even breathe. Posted at 6:51 PM
How many times can the power go out this summer? Seriously, it's not even that hot. Posted at 7:54 PM
Why don't I die? Posted at 9:48 PM
Tell me again ... how is this supposed to be a break? Posted at 9:44 PM
What to do when love has died Posted at 12:00 AM
Who needs enemies when you have family? Posted at 9:37 PM
Do people that look forward to tomorrow see into the future? <Am I an asshole for playing with semantics?> Posted at 9:56 PM
A miracle would be helpful right about now ... or at least a massive stroke of luck. Posted at 8:20 PM
Why have I not gone completely insane yet? Posted at 7:21 PM
Happy birthday, nephew mine. Fourteen - damn that makes me feel old. Posted at 8:19 PM
It's bad enough to have to spend all morning and most of the afternoon pushing my grandma to get cleaned up and dressed and fed before heading to a late afternoon appointment - she at least has the excuse of being nearly ninety-five years old, slow-moving, and slow-thinking - but it is beyond inexcusable to have a routine eye exam take a whole two and half fucking hours! As frustrated and stressed as I get from the complications of taking care of an aging, deteriorating woman, I become even more stressed and aggravated by the variety of idiots that I'm - for one reason or another - forced to deal with in this podunk, hopeless town. Posted at 10:23 PM
The depression started washing back in a few days ago (not all at once fortunately); then migraines two days ago; and now that my sister, nephew and niece have gone, I'm really just completely exhausted - beyond just the expected. This is how it always ends, you know - with a whimper, not with a bang. Posted at 9:01 PM
They're gone ... and the house is much more empty. Posted at 8:40 PM
Dream world ... but not really theDreamworld. Posted at 11:31 PM
Journal, by Paul Cales, © August 2009